Spam Callers Owe You $- How To Collect

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3 years ago
Topics: Paid

There's a list you can add your phone # to making it illegal for solicitors to call or text you. If they call you anyway they owe you money.

Plus, Robocalls that are trying to sell you something are illegal and you can collect money for every time they call. A robocall is where you get an automated call. Not an actual live person.

'The National Do Not Call Registry' allows you to add your phone number to a list informing telemarketers nt to call you. You can register your home or mobile phone for free....

Found here--

They also provide a way to report spammers. But you have to wait 31 days after you've added your number to the list.

Robocalls on the other hand; since they are illegal; you can report even if your number isn't on the list.

Adding your # doesn’t stop calls from political organizations, charities, debt collectors or other informational calls. But you should know your rights about debt collectors. Like time limits ect.

Find that info here--


But why stop there?

They owe you money for violating your rights and it is perfectly legal and even encouraged tat you collect so that they will stop committing these crimes....

The 'FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION' states in their public notice that you are entitled to $500 to $1,500 for EACH violation. That means for each call, fax, or text. Especially if a court finds that the company willingly or knowingly committed the violation.

found here--

(There is an app that does a lot of this for you. The 'DoNotPay' app has a feature called 'Robo Revenge'. But there's a monthly charge. There's also 'kits' you can pay something like $47 dollars on Amazon ect. that can give you more help than I provide here. I'm not an affiliate for any of those. I'm a 'do it yourself' kid of person.)


So here's some instructions on collecting that money yourself....

1-- Answer the call.

2-- Gather info.

Act interested in whatever they are selling enough to ask them these questions without making it obvious what you're doing. If they suspect you're gathering info for legal reasons, they'll hang up.

(If it's a robocall just listen and follow any instructions that leads to finding out more info. Aside from having to pay something of course.)

Desired info....

-- Company name

-- Website

-- Address

-- What they are selling

3-- Take notes.

-- Time and date of the call

-- Phone number

-- If they have called or texted you in the past, list how many times. Along with times and dates.


Or if for some reason you can't gather the information on the call, there's still things you can do....

Do a reverse look up to see what company that number belongs to. If they call from a 'spoof' number just get all of the info you can about the company when you answer.

Get a copy of your call records and take notes of when they called you and if they called more than once. If they ever leave a voicemail keep that too.

4-- Collect some money.

Use the address they gave you and or go to the 'contact' page on their website. Write them a letter or an email. Inform them that your phone number has been on the 'no call' list for over 31 days.

(If it was a Robocall that should be left out)

Also share all of the information that you have collected from the lists above. This way they know you have enough information that you would need to sue them if you had to. Explain that you are giving them a chance settle this before you report them and sue them. Tell them you know what they owe you. Settling out of court would be in their best interest because of legal fees like lawyers and court costs.

Some may respond with negotiations but there's no reason to get less than you would in court. Since if you took them to court you would definitely win and they know that. But of course settling for less is up to you.

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3 years ago
Topics: Paid


This is a good article

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Great information about this article my Dear friend

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