How To Read.Cash?

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Written by
3 years ago

This is in connection to my previous post, which you can read here. Now that you have your account ready, it's time to start earning.

Remember, you are NOT ALLOWED to post anything related to:

  • Any obvious illegal content

  • Hate-filled

  • Name-calling, trash-talking, personal attacks or insult

  • Porn, erotic content, or sexuality

  • Copyrighted articles

So, the first thing you need to do, in my opinion, is to join a community or communities that you like based on your interests. Be sure to check a community that has tons of users. Joining a community will help you gain more viewers/readers and possibly, subscribers too. There are tons of communities available here, so choose the ones you like the most.

Once you have selected the community of your choice, you can now write your first post. In the upper right, you will see the "WRITE" button. You can choose either a Short Post or Full Article. I always choose Full Article because I like writing more. But if you want to just post a brief introduction of yourself, a Short Post will do.

When posting your article, whether it's short or long, I suggest you submit it to a community of your choice. Some community requires approval, so you just have to be patient. Remember, each community has its own rules, so be sure to also follow that. If the community says, articles should be in English, then you should only post English content.

Personally, I don't post a lot in a day. I wanted to, but I'm quite a busy person, so most of the time, I only post one. I think you can post as many as you like (not really sure about this), but know your limits! Don't post every 5 minutes, or that will be considered spam.

And it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality of your content. You cannot attract viewers if your content isn't that interesting enough. So, focus on the quality and not the quantity. Remember, you can also earn by commenting. Just make sure you comment on other's posts based on their article and not something BS just for the sake of commenting.

Respect other's posts. DON'T spam their comment sections with "subs me", "subscribe me", "subscribe back", etc. Try doing that and you'll be reported or worse, you will have your account banned. Be polite and respect others.

The best thing about Read.Cash is that any user can also upvote your article, meaning you can get a bonus from them. But that doesn't mean you can beg others to upvote you. Again, this is something you should never do. If someone says, "upvote me please", report that user right away.

Lastly, if you want to gain more viewers or readers, you can share your post to any of your social media account.

PS: I have to write this stuff because I like sharing Read.Cash to my friends, and it's the best way to save my time. This way, I don't have to write a long reply for each individual asking how to Read.Cash.

Check this out: How To Withdraw My Read.Cash Payment? (For My Future Invites)

PS: All photos used are free images from Unsplash.

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Written by
3 years ago


Thank you so much for the heads-up. This will be a great help for a newbie like me. God bless!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Aww.. and you're welcome!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great place to start, good wee tips , salamat

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3 years ago


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3 years ago