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3 years ago
Topics: Reality, Personal

First of all I want to greet you all a very Happy Valentine's Day! 

I slept around 3AM last night as I wanted to publish an article before going to sleep. I was able to draft 3 articles. The first one I feel like it is pointless to share so I don't know when I will be able to publish it. The second one, was a little short but direct to the point. And the third one was the one that I published. Have you also felt that way wherein you have already drafted an article but you don't feel like publishing it? So you would draft another one again. I think this has already happened to me twice. I always don't choose the fiest article. LOL. I have made a lot of revisions with the first article that I don't know how to expand it any further and the fact that I really feel that it is so boring to talk about. Let's see if I'll be able to publish that soon. 

The second article that I have drafted last night was about vaccines. Are you scared of needles? I am not scared of it but my last experience had me so traumatized about it. It was as if I really don't want to get sick or be hospitalized or have another surgery ever again. But I'm not going to talk about that. Today we are to talk about the COVID19 vaccine.

Last month or early February we found out that our uncle in Los Angeles, California has already had his first COVID19 vaccine under Pfizer (I think. LOL). I'm not really into details since I only browse the conversations of my mom and her sisters. I really feel like I have became an anti-social. Have you also felt that way? When you aren't interested with other things that you are too preoccupied with a lot od things that you don't even have time to reply to the people. Anyway, so this March I think my aunt will have her schedule of vaccination as well as my cousins. With my uncle's vaccination, it was a drive-in vaccination. My cousin drive his dad and took a video of him while taking the vaccine. They didn't had the same schedule as the priority was the elderly people that is why their dad got the vaccine first. So far there are no side effects of the vaccine aside from the typical effects of a vaccine that you'll feel a heaviness on your arm or the feeling that you'll get sick. But after hours or days of having the vaccine, he's ok. I just don't know how effective it was since they are just at home and no physical contact with the other people. 

Since I don't watch or read the news anymore, I don't know if the Philippines has already started with the vaccination. But early February when I had to make an online city ID application for my mom, there was a question for her if she wants to get vaccinated. The choices were yes, no and undecided and you have to state your reason. I forgot what we answered but I think she said undecided. 

Last year there have been talks about other countries trying to formulate a  vaccine for the virus. During that time I have been having doubts about it. I know that we are now in an advance and modern technology and I shouldn't be worried but I really can't help it. As of now I am still undecided whether or not I will take the vaccine. But my mom have already listed all of us in our barangay for the vaccine. One of my aunts also have the same opinion with regards to the vaccine. 2 of them wants to be vaccinated, 2 of us are still undecided and my mom didn't say in our group chat if she wants to get vaccinated or not. Though she listed our names because our subdivision were asking homeowners who among us would like to take it. And the other day, we received a small paper from our local barangay for us to fill up for vaccine registration. How about you? Would you want to be vaccinated? Why or why not? 

When my dad was watching the news before, I have heard the media asking some random strangers whether or not they want to get vaccinated. It was actually 50-50. Someone even said that he'd get vaccinated if our president and other leaders would take the vaccine first and show it to the people. Well how sure are they that it would be the right vaccine right? They may show it to the people but it doesn't guarantee that it is the right vaccine. Some are still undecided and others are firm with their decision that they will get vaccinated while others won't. 

But what if there would be some side effects in the future? Who would be held liable for that? Or will they let us sign a waiver before we get vaccinated? I'm sure others are thinking of that as well that is why they are still undecided like me. Though I know that it isn't only the reason why others are undecided. Maybe for some they are afraid of injections or probably no reason at all. They just don't like to get vaccinated. During the peak of the virus they are asking to put an end to this. Now that there is a vaccine, they don't want to get vaccinated. That is just how life is going to be. So will you continue having doubts or are you willing to take the risks? 

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3 years ago
Topics: Reality, Personal
