Raffle contests

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3 years ago

Kopiko Magkapera 3! Kopiko Magkapera 3! LOL. Did you imagine the advertisement of the said product when you read that part? Did you read it with the right tune? LOL. For those that aren't familiar with Kopiko, it is a 3-in-1 coffee brand here in the Philippines. Not sure if they have exported this to other countries but this is a really good coffee. The taste of their coffee varies from mild to strong. I have only tried Kopiko Brown and Kopiko Blanca. 

Well this isn't a product review. It just so happens that I was deleting some of my photos for days now because of low phone storage and I saw this photo. I used this when I made an article about the sachet or plastic wrappers before. Instead of deleting it, I have decided to make another article about it as well. 

To start of, how many of you have joined a raffle contests? If you can remember, I did join a raffle contest when I was in elementary for a Tamagotchi, handheld digital pet. I think it was probably 5 wrappers each entry. Sad to say, I didn't win in that raffle. Next raffle that I joined in was with a cigarette brand. I cannot remember how many brands and packs of cigarette I puffed just to join the contest but I didn't win. Do you think that this contests are real? Yes I know some of it even broadcasted the draw and winners on live television but how sure are we that they have announced the real winner? Do you know someone who won in this kind of contests? I did had a workmate who told me that he won a few times in a cigarette raffle contest. He said he won a jacket and a cash prize. Lucky for him right? When he told me about it, I started keeping most of my cigarette wrappers so that the next time that there will be a contest, I already had a lot of entries. Another trash right? And because I wanted to win especially the cash prize and I was a smoker then why not keep it instead of throwing it right? Unfortunately, I didn't win. LOL. After that, I never kept any wrappers anymore plus I think the company also didn't have any raffle contests. 

Few years ago, I have already heard about Kopiko's contest. It has been going on for years and I realized that since we are Kopiko drinkers, I decided to join again. Never say die right? Try and try because there's no harm in trying. Our helper and I started drinking 1 per day so that's already 2 sachets. After a few days, we doubled it. We dropped our entries in a nearby superkmarket and drugstore. It was our strategy to allocate our entries in different drop boxes but then again we didn't win. LOL. 

Not only am I curious if those raffle contests were real but also I am curious on the entries. What do you think does those companies do with all the raffle entries they have received after the contest is over? Quite a lot of trash don't you think? I know that it is a company's strategy to increase sales. And us being the consumer, we joined hoping that we could win. I cannot remember how many envelopes I bought for those entries. I'm not really a coffee drinker because our doctor said that too much caffeine triggers my migraine. I ignored it because I wanted to win some money. Smoking too much can lead to serious health problems but still I ignored it because I was already a smoker so what is there to lose right? I am so glad that I have quit. Smoke free for almost 3 years. 

Anyway, do you think those entries ended up in landfills, in our ocean or they were able to use the wrappers into something useful? I hoped that it didn't end up in the landfills and most especially not in our ocean. What do you think can this company do to the wrappers they have collected? They can make it into a purse, a bag and even stuff it inside a plastic bottle to produce an eco brick. Ever heard of eco bricks before? Those are plastic bottles stuffed with clean sachet or plastic wrappers and these bottles are used as an alternative to bricks to build walls. 

Saw this when we went to a mall last year. Isn't it pretty? From ugly to beautiful. From trash to treaure

2 years ago I did made an eco brick together with our helper. At first I stuffed all the plastic wrappers inside but it had spaces in some areas. So I decided to cut each wrappers before stuffing it into the bottle. I was able to get the right weight per bottle and it looked really good as there was no spaces. I only stopped doing eco bricks when my sticked got broken. The stick was for pushing back all the wrappers plus I didn't have any time to drop it off to a nearby center, office or school that collects eco bricks. Our helper decided to throw them away before we welcomed the new year 2020. I didn't know that they are selling eco bricks now on online selling platforms. I just saw it last night when I searched about it on Google. Price per bottle ranges from Php100-200+. However, I am not sure if there really is someone who would buy it for that price. According to our stay out laundry helper before she said that the price per bottle was Php50 each. Originally I did eco bricks for the money and at the same time to save our environment. Our laundry helper knows that there is someone who buys that in their area but later she told me that their neighbor doesn't have any news about the person who buys eco bricks. But even if I wasn't able to sell it, I still continued making eco bricks. Like I said earlier, I stopped because I didn't have a stick anymore. 

When I was doing eco bricks before, I noticed that our trash has somehow lessen. We only had 1 small brown paper bag for a week. I even wanted to make a compost out of our vegetable and fruit scraps but it didn't push through. Imagine if each households would do eco bricks and composts. Mother Earth will be very happy about it. Though the point of eco bricks got me thinking before. What if you needed to destroy a house or a wall that was made of eco bricks? Wouldn't it be a big mess? Other than eco bricks that uses a plastic bottle, there are also cement bricks or cement blocks with tiny pieces of plastic wrappers. I'm not really sure if eco bricks are eco friendly in the long run but I hope there would be a solution to lessen the use of plastic wrappers or packaging so that our future generations can still have a better place to live in. 

The cement blocks with pieces of plastic wrappers in Basilan. Sorry if it is not that noticeable in my photo. Most of the items that was in this garden were made of recycled materials especially the tulips on the left side.

If money isn't involve I know only a few would participate. But I think rather than having raffle contests, I hope companies should have something for their consumers in exchange of their packaging whether it is made from carton, foil pack or plastic. Just like in other countries where they can exchange a single piece of plastic bottle for a few cents. Companies should be imaginative on how they can help our environment by recycling their own packaging don't you think? How about you? How do you plan to take part in the battle against plastic consumption? What do you think can companies do with regards to their plastic packaging? I hope that each and everyone of us should always think of a solution or a way to help bring back the beauty of our environment and save our Mother Earth. 

$ 0.08
$ 0.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
