Comparing Solar and Wind Energy

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1 month ago

I watched some videos comparing solar and wind energy and the advantages and disadvantages associated with both of them. We can see an increase in the usage of Solar panels but Wind energy consumption is not that great. There is a reason for this and when we compare both of them, Solar is the winner. Both advantages and disadvantages exist, but overall, Solar is the winner. In this article, let's examine more facts to see why solar energy is better than wind energy, especially in India.

I wouldn't comment about other places because small 1KW wind turbines are used by many people at home and they can generate a decent amount of energy from that.


Wind Energy relies on Wind

The main thing that makes the wind power generation work is wind. In many places due to commercial aspects, people sell wind turbines saying that the output will be excellent even if there is not enough wind. But ultimately when installed at home, it just becomes a decoration to the house and there will be no big benefit out of it. It may not generate enough power for the house.

Mostly in the coastal regions there is a high possibility for good wind output and that can be a good place to install wind turbines but places away from the coastal regions may not see a great benefit with wind turbines when installed at home. This is where rooftop solar becomes the most beneficial one because Sunlight is everywhere and it can be more efficient compared to wind power generation.

Vertical and horizontal rotators

When it comes to wind turbines, there are two types of rotators available. One rotator is a vertical rotation and another is a horizontal rotation. There are many issues with vertical rotators compared to horizontal rotators. There are also other models available but these two designs are very famous. When big wind turbines are planted in many regions, they become a big problem for migrating birds. The ultimate result is that it either kills the bird or the birds damage the turbines. This requires a lot of maintenance too.


Compared to vertical rotators, horizontal rotators are a little safer because even if a bird gets caught in between, it can easily escape without getting hurt. On houses, they recommend horizontal rotators to be best compared to vertical rotators as they also generate a lot of noise in the building which becomes disturbing.

Cost is getting better

Compared to the past, the cost of implementing a solar plant has become very cheap now. The government is also giving some subsidies for people who want to generate power at home and use a hybrid system where they generate power during the day and give it to the grid and take the power back during the night time from the grid. This way solar power generation is very much cost-effective compared to Wind power generators.

Continuous research are going on in the field of energy and especially on solar power generation. The panels are seeing many innovations and the cost of making it is getting cheaper and with just a small panel, more energy is being made. The efficiency has also greatly increased.

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