Internet financial players who do finance are disappearing, and financial technology players who do technology are growing wildly. This is a real phenomenon. This phenomenon gives people the illusion that the re-evolution of finance must be premised on definancialization. Without this, everything is nonsense. Obviously, this seemingly factual phenomenon is not a real fact.

The real fact is that all evolutions that are separated from finance itself are not financial evolutions in the strict sense. Only the evolution of finance itself makes sense. In fact, this has fallen into a vicious circle of logic. In order to avoid supervision, de-financialization is necessary, and it is a false proposition to break away from the evolution of finance.

It seems that this is a question without a standard answer. In essence, this is a question that already has an answer. The answer can be found in the rising reputation of financial technology and the gradual improvement of digital technology. However, even if we have found the "medium" of financial evolution, if finance itself hasn't really changed, and it still stays in the old functions, all correctness will eventually become in vain. It can be seen that the evolution of finance must be based on the evolution of finance. Once the evolution of finance is separated from the evolution of finance, all good things are just a false illusion.

In fact, the evolution of finance is a process of deep integration of finance and industry. Therefore, one of our criteria for measuring financial evolution is to see whether the integration of finance and industry after evolution is close. If finance and industry are more closely integrated after evolution, then financial evolution is successful. On the contrary, financial evolution has failed. Regardless of whether we interpret financial evolution with the concept of financial technology or digital technology, horizontal traffic acquisition and market sharing should not be the yardstick. Vertical industry integration and deep empowerment are the key.

From this, we can conclude that the key to financial evolution lies in vertical penetration and opening up.

Vertical penetration and opening up is the return to the basics of financial functions. What is the essence of finance? On the surface, the essence of finance is investment and consumption. In essence, the essence of finance lies in opening up all aspects of economic life. The mistake of Internet finance is that it overdrafts the function of financial appearance, but ignores the function of finance to open up and connect economic life, and finally makes finance more and more distant from its essence.

Financial evolution is actually a process of regression. This return is based on the premise of penetrating and opening up the industry. In the final analysis, it is to play the role of the "capillaries" of the financial industry and build a solid foundation for the financial industry. The key to measuring whether a player has development prospects is its ability to return to financial functions. If financial evolution lacks the return to financial functions and blindly de-financializes, then it will lose the opportunity to get through and penetrate, and it will only be synonymous with Internet finance in the end.

Vertical penetration and opening up is the deep integration of finance and technology. Financial evolution led by financial technology and digital technology is actually represented by the deep integration of finance and technology. When the deep integration of finance and technology is absent, financial evolution loses its practical significance. Whether it is financial technology or digital technology, in fact, it must be based on the deep integration of finance and technology.

The superficial and shallow technology similar to Internet technology has actually proved to be useless, and sometimes even brings the development of the financial industry into a dead end. The key to the deep integration of finance and technology in the new stage of financial evolution lies in the process of perfect unification of technology financialization and financial technology. The so-called financial technology is actually tapping the technological potential of finance itself; the so-called financial technology is actually the in-depth transformation of finance by technology. When the financialization of technology and financial technology are perfectly unified, the deep integration of finance and technology in the true sense is realized.

Vertical penetration and opening up are the deep empowerment of finance to the industry. When financial evolution achieves vertical penetration and integration, its purpose is actually to deeply empower the industry, so as to change the operating logic of traditional industries. When this link is opened up, financial evolution can be regarded as realizing the true closed loop of business. Therefore, the ultimate goal of financial evolution is the deep empowerment of finance to the industry, not just staying in finance, or just staying in technology.

Those who simply attribute financial evolution to finance or simply attribute financial evolution to technology are not appropriate. Finding the ways and methods for finance to deeply empower the industry is the right direction of financial evolution. Only by realizing the deep empowerment of finance to the industry, can we truly realize the vertical penetration and connection, and find the correct development of the financial industry in the new scenario.

Vertical penetration and opening up are a concentrated manifestation of an industrial transformation. In the context of the industrial Internet, more and more people are focusing their attention on industrial reforms and deep changes. Unlike the Internet era, which is only a matchmaking and intermediary, the industrial Internet era is more concerned with the deep transformation of the industry. Financial evolution is actually the ultimate concentrated expression of industrial transformation, and all industrial transformations need to be concentrated in the financial industry.

On the surface, the so-called financial evolution is actually simply confined to the behavior of the financial industry itself. In essence, the so-called financial evolution is actually a process of profound changes in the industries associated with finance. When financial evolution is combined with the transformation of related industries, and ways and methods for mutual promotion and coordinated development are found, financial evolution is truly completed. From this point of view, financial evolution should not only focus on the changes in the financial industry itself, but should also consider using finance as a breakthrough point to find ways and methods to transform related industries. When the transformation of the financial industry and the transformation of related industries are perfectly unified, financial evolution can be regarded as a real penetration and connection.

When financial technology and digital technology become the new direction of financial evolution, definancialization becomes a kind of "political correctness." On the surface, this approach can indeed circumvent policy supervision. However, if you blindly de-financialize, the so-called financial evolution is no longer financial evolution. Taking finance as the starting point and finding the ability and methods to open up and penetrate the industry is the future and direction of financial evolution.

Author: Meng Yonghui Link: Source: Brief Book The copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.

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@babyyu posted 3 years ago
