Coronavirus protection

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The US Centers for Disease Control does not recommend the use of visors instead of masks because, as they point out, the level of protection they provide is currently unknown.

Louis Vuitton will start selling luxury visors with a recognizable monogram and gold edge to personalize protective equipment and turn it into a fashion statement, reports Forbes .

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control does not recommend the use of visors instead of masks because, as they point out, the level of protection they provide is currently unknown. “It’s an absurdly expensive product for the rich. But even if a few rich people are more inclined to wear protective gear because they bought that visor, it's better for all of us, ”said Shannon Palus from the Slate portal.

Other well-known brands such as Fendi, Palm Angels, Marine Serre and Christian Siriano have made their own lines of protective masks, but have not tried visors.

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I just really hope and pray that these pandemic will be over and that a vaccine will be present soon so that no more lives will be gone as Christmas is approaching.

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4 years ago

Dr. Kon once again emphasized that the mask is necessary for protection against the virus The Crisis Staff for the Protection of the Health of the Population of Serbia from the COVID-19 Infectious Diseases addressed a press conference.

At the regular press conference on the coronavirus in Serbia, epidemiologist Predrag Kon once again emphasized that, especially when it comes to schools, all masks are useful, be they single-layer (cloth), double-layer, multi-layer, surgical or epidemiological.

  • The cloth protects that the person who has and carries the virus does not drop it when he speaks, but that the virus stays on that mask. That is the reason why masks are worn - Kon pointed out.

  • Certainly, two layers protect more than one, but that has nothing to do with this situation when we are talking about the protection of children in the population, except in medical conditions when standardized masks are necessary - the esteemed expert pointed out. The doctor added that the most common canvas masks are quite sufficient, but he once again underlined that three-layer masks are the best.

  • Masks are mostly two-layered. If you take off any mask, everything seems to be from one part, but you will actually see that they consist of several layers - concluded the epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff for the Suppression of Infectious Diseases COVID-19, Dr. Predrag Kon.

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4 years ago

Dr Kon je još jednom naglasio da je maska neophodna za zaštitu od virusa Krizni štab za zaštitu zdravlja stanovništva Srbije od zarazne bolesti COVID-19 obratio se na konferenciji za medije.

Na redovnoj konferenciji za medije o korona virusu u Srbiji epidemilog Predrag Kon je još jednom naglasio da su, posebno kada su škole u pitanju, da su sve maske korisne, bilo jednoslojne (platnene), dvoslojne, višeslojne, hiruške ili epidemiološke.

  • Platno štiti da ne dođe do toga da osoba koja ima i nosi virus ga ne ispušta kada govori, već da se virus zadržava na toj maski. To je razlog zašto se maske nose - istakao je Kon.

  • Svakako da dva sloja više štite nego jedan, ali to nikakve veze nema u ovoj situaciji kada govorimo o zaštiti dece u populaciji osim u medicinskim uslovima kada su neophodne standardizovane maske - istakao je cenjeni stručnjak. Doktor je dodao da su najobičnije platnene maske sasvim dovoljne, ali je još jednom podvukao da su troslojne maske najbolje.

  • Maske su uglavnom dvoslojne. Ako skinete bilo koju masku, sve se čine kao iz jednog dela ali ćete zapravo videti da se sastoje iz više slojeva - zaključio je epidemiolog i član Kriznog štaba za suzbijanje zarazne bolesti COVID-19 dr Predrag Kon.

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4 years ago

Yeah we should be aware on those reminders to protect us for being an infected by the virus, and also experts hve that such studies on how to prevent or protect ourselves on corona virus,its hard to monitor this virus but the safety precautions of the flontliners definitely helps on most of us.

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4 years ago

I think mask gives better protection than anything else...🙂

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4 years ago