The historical richness of many European cities does not stop giving us surprises. If any of those who are reading this post, lives in the city of Barcelona, ​​they will be very aware, (due to the circulatory chaos that it is assuming for the city), that Diagonal avenue is cut off in one of its sections by the construction of a new manifold. Well, in these works, when nobody expected it, archaeological remains of some old water tanks have appeared, prior to the famous urbanization plan devised by Cerdá, which demonstrate the agricultural past of the Eixample of Barcelona, ​​the old suburb of the city . This type of discovery offers more data that serves to complete the history of our cities. Having experienced it in the first person in other works, the negative part, like everything in this life, is suffered by these types of actions, since these discoveries represent important delays for their completion and what is worse, a significant economic deviation, that, in this case, we will pay among all taxpayers

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@avrorp posted 3 years ago
