First Pandemic

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4 years ago

500 million killed this virus. It was H1N1 origin of genes with avian. The first patient was an military personnel.

  • MARCH 1918

    Outbreaks of flu like illness are detected.

    More than 100 soldiers were infected. Over a week the cases quintuples.

    After six months , the flu spreads though US, Europe, and some of Asia.

  • APRIL 1918

    A weekly public report the first influenza appears in April 5

  • SEPTEMBER 1918

    The second wave emerged at the training camp.

    The second wave is highly fatal and responsible most of the deaths, its was between September and November

    New your city health board, requires all flu patients to be isolated and adds flu on reportable diseases.

    757 deaths recorded at the training camp, one quarter of its total, has been reported by the end of September.

  • NOVEMBER 1918

    Soldiers begin to demobilize because of the end of World War I

    Officials placed quarantine sign on front and rear doors of 2000 homes occupants with the flu

    From 378,000 soldiers to 4.7 million soldiers grew by the end of World War I

  • DECEMBER 1918

    The Public health officials begins the program educating and publicity of the dangers of coughing, careless disposal of nasal dischanged, and sneezing.

    Commitee of Health Association encourages to walk to work rather than using public transportation, and to stagger closing and opening of stores and factories.

  • January 1919

    Killing many more in the winter and spring of 1919, a third wave occurs.

    In the first 5 days of January, 1,800 flu cases and 101 deaths were reported in San Francisco.

    San Antonio citizen fueling another influenza surge when that new cases were not reported.

    In New York, seven hundred and six cases were reported. Citizen triggering fear of recurrence

  • FEBRUARY 1919

    In New Orleans, Influeza appear to be eradicated, as number of reported cases drops.

    A "practical nurse" was passed to become a one year course, an effort to address the nursing shortage the pandemic had exposed.

  • APRIL 1919

    While negotiating the end of World War I with the other leaders, U.S President Woodrow Wilson collapses. Speculates historian that he is weak from influenza, still rampant in Paris.

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4 years ago


does pandemic affect potatos?

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4 years ago

History repeats itself.

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User's avatar Jim
4 years ago

That's ritght. But we are a bit prepared than before

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4 years ago