Relax Saturday / Hea 爆週六

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3 years ago

Today is Saturday, I don't have to work, then I had been sleeping till 1 pm today, I immediately go down to have lunch with my mom after brushing my tooth and washing my face, no kidding, I'm bloody hungry

今日星期六,唔使返工, 一訓就訓到一點先起身.起身梳洗完,即刻同媽子落去吃飯, 唔係講笑, 肚餓到爆.

We felt hard to make decision of what to eat today, at the beginning we planned to go Itamama (the low-end italian restaurant), my mom suddenly said let's go pizza hut as we have got 10K in HKD from government. But the pizza hut downstairs our home sounds got not much choices.

Then I suggest to go Fun Cafe where we used to eat very often last year, but their prices increased a lot this year, finally we go to another cafe at 3th floor, they have been opening for a year and we never tried before. All right, we decided to try you today.

今日我地選擇困難症,係商場游左好耐先決定食乜,一開始想去Itamam (平價意大利菜), 之後我媽話收左政府1萬銀不如去Pizza Hut, 但樓下個間啲menu冇乜食,咁我就話不如去上年成日去個間Fun Cafe,但今年佢地加晒價,我又嫌佢貴,最後就上左三樓個間Cafe, 佢開左咁耐都未去過,就一於試你啦.

This is an Italian cafe called "cafe Fresca", they are selling good quality of coffee and pastas, actually they used to sell breads but feel like they have change their style now, we only see pasta and some steaks on the menu now.

間Cafe叫 "Cafe Fresca", 佢地啲咖啡同意粉幾出名,其實佢地之前都有賣面包,但而家好似得意粉同牛排.

I ordered a Spaghetti with black truffle, bacon wild mushroom, my mom picked the Grilled Australian Angus Rib Eyes.

我叫左個黑松露煙肉意粉, 我媽子就叫左份安格斯肉眼.

Been waiting for 15 minutes, here are our delicious dishes, I was too hungry and couldn't wait to eat, I barely forget to take a pictures, fortunately my mom reminded me to do so.

等左15分鐘,我地啲靚野黎啦, 我餓到等唔切,差啲連相都冇影就宜接食,好在我阿媽提我要影相.

I realized I don't have so much street view pictures in the post, then I tried to take some pictures nearby my estate to show you the place I am living.

突然醒起,如果淨係post野食冇街景圖好似好齋, 所以我就影下我住個到附近既街景比大家睇下

This is the luxury apartment called One Homantin , don't take me wrong, I can't afford to buy the apartment there, it's talking about HK$ 10,000,000 for a 600 square feet flat there.


The market for us shopping for groceries, but my mom seldom buy stuff downstairs as they are quite expensive.


How do you think about my post of today? Wish you would enjoy to ready it, have a nice day.

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Avatar for atyh
Written by
3 years ago


Yeah, I really enjoyed going through your writings and looking at the lovely photos. The restaurant looks nice I.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am glad you like my article my friend, will update it later today, cheers

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3 years ago


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3 years ago