Are we trapped in our jobs?

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9 months ago
Topics: Life, Personal, Thoughts, Experience, Blog, ...

I've seen this pattern a lot. So much that I'm starting to think that I'm the problem.

Let me ask you something. Do you know a person that hates its job with a strong passion? Or maybe someone that has an extremely boring job and they complain over and over about it? However, regardless of how much they dislike this job, they seem trapped in their situation, unable to leave and explore something else.

I'm sure you know someone, at least one. I'm one of them.

I consider myself a smart, creative, resourceful person. But I've been in the same job for over 10 years. It is not the worst job at all, I'm just tired of it and I'd love something new. I've been looking, but no option seems good enough. It's getting to the point where I'm feeling like a spoiled toddler throwing a tantrum.

I wish I could say I'm the only one. I've seen many people going through the same pattern. There is always a circumstance that keeps them there, stuck in that job. They wish to go out and try, but transition is not always easy.

Are we trapped in our jobs?

The worst scenarios, at least to me, are when these people choose to change their job, but from their desesperation for something new, they end up in a similar or worst situation. I've seen people settling for less, getting jobs that aren't inspiring, jobs that pay well but are borderline abusive, jobs that drain their energy.

I'm starting to wonder... how many people do you know that actually love and enjoy their job? Is it that working is not meant to be enjoyed? Or are we trapped in a cycle of disatisfaction?

The current world that we live in has a very specific design, an economic design that doesn't allow everyone to move freely as they want to. A system that creates desesperation, suffering, and lack. And it is a system that feeds out ofthat, it is its fuel.

And when you are in it, it doesn't seem to be a way out.

Are you happy in your current job? Do you actually enjoy doing what you do? Let me read you on the comments, maybe I (and someone else in the same situation) can get inspired thanks to you.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for astroupdates
9 months ago
Topics: Life, Personal, Thoughts, Experience, Blog, ...


This is hitting seriously. I know a number of person's that don't like their job but still can't let go. They wake up in the morning at 3:00 o'clock every working day and comes back at almost ten o'clock. The struggle is more than real

$ 0.00
9 months ago

I know! As I wrote, I think many people are in a cycle that is complicated to leave behind. We keep going to the job, day after day, hating it, but without knowing how to escape! Thanks for reading and i'm glad it resonated with you

$ 0.00
9 months ago