Fast and healthy snacks keep me excited. Lately, there has been a real pumpkin euphoria at home - every now and then we bake pumpkin seeds, listen to their sizzling (reminiscent of crackling fire) when they cool in baking trays, smell and crunch them just like that, and in salads, home-baked bread, sandwiches, homemade spreads and soups.
Because they are a real treasure trove of vitamins and minerals, we warmly recommend them. And you wont go for unhealthy salty snacks.
A healthy snack that we will be crunching for a while ...
We need-pumpkin seeds, sol, sunflower oil
Turn the oven to 150 degrees Celsius.
Rinse the pumpkin seeds well under running water and wait for all the water to drain. However, they can be lightly wrapped in a clean cloth and dried quickly.
Arrange them on one or two baking trays, salt as desired, add a tablespoon of oil and mix everything well.
Bake for one hour or until lightly browned, stirring carefully at least once in between.
Let's try pumpkin seeds - if they are not crispy yet, bake for a few more minutes.
After baking, allow to cool in the pan. Then store them in clean jars and seal well.
Baked pumpkin seeds are a healthy and crunchy snack, but they can be added to salads, already cooked soups, sandwiches, spreads, smoothies, mixed into the dough before baking bread and sprinkled on top, taken on the road ... Let the imagination do its thing.
Roast the pumpkin seeds so that they become crispy and get a baked color - this way we will preserve the nutrients.
sjemenke bundeve
suncokretovo ulje
Uključite pećnicu na 150 Celzijevih stupnjeva.
Sjemenke bundeve dobro isperite pod mlazom vode i pričekajte da se sva voda ocijedi. Međutim, mogu se lagano zamotati u čistu krpu i brzo osušiti.
Posložite ih na jednu ili dvije tepsije, posolite po želji, dodajte žlicu ulja i sve dobro promiješajte.
Pecite jedan sat ili dok lagano ne porumeni, pažljivo miješajući barem jednom između.
Probajmo sjemenke bundeve - ako još nisu prhke, pecite još nekoliko minuta.
Nakon pečenja ostavite da se ohladi u posudi za pečenje. Zatim ih spremite u čiste staklenke i dobro zatvorite.
volim seme tikve, meni je ekstra i samo il da se kombinuje uz slane grickalice, il inegralne neke stapice.