Pan-Slavic colors

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3 years ago

Pan-Slavic colors on the flags..what does that mean...hmmm

Red, white and blue colors are often found in the symbolism of Slavic countries. They are present on the flags of Russia, Croatia, Slovakia, Serbia, as well as other countries and regions. They are called pan-Slavic colors, but what does this term mean?

Crvena, bijela i plava boja često se nalaze u simbolici slavenskih zemalja. Prisutne su na zastavama Rusije, Hrvatske, Slovačke, Srbije, kao i drugih zemalja i regija. Nazivaju se pan-slavenskim bojama, ali što ovaj pojam znači?

From the end of the 18th to the 19th century. most of the lands of Central Europe were under the control of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires. During this time, the ideology of Pan-Slavism began to develop - the unification of Slavic nations, both culturally and politically.

The prefix “pan” from the ancient Greek language is interpreted as “unity, everything, whole,” and the idea itself meant the creation of a particular community. This created various groups that revived and stimulated interest in folklore, ethnography and pan-Slavic history and even tried to create a single language. In 1848, the first Slavic congress was held in Prague, where all "like-minded people" gathered on the topic unification of fraternal peoples. Participants were able to express their views and vision and make some joint decisions.

One of the solutions was to choose a common anthem "Hey, Slavs". Pan-Slavic colors were also adopted here, which were the basis for the national symbols of many countries participating in the congress. From 1848 they were present on the flag of the Moravians (white-red-blue flag) and on the flag of the Slovak Revolution (red-blue-white flag with a white triangle on the right)

Knowledge of pan-Slavic colors, as well as their origin, is ambiguous. According to the heraldic tradition, red is a symbol of struggle, blood and courage, white means purity and nobility, blue is a sign of heaven, honesty, loyalty and generosity.

Od kraja 18. do 19. stoljeća. većina srednjoeuropskih zemalja bila je pod nadzorom Osmanskog i Austro-Ugarskog carstva. Za to se vrijeme počela razvijati ideologija pan-slavizma - objedinjavanje slavenskih naroda, i kulturno i politički.

Prefiks "pan" iz starogrčkog jezika tumači se kao "jedinstvo, sve, cjelina", a sama ideja značila je stvaranje određene zajednice. To je stvorilo različite skupine koje su oživjele i potakle zanimanje za folklor, etnografiju i pane-slavensku povijest, pa čak i pokušale stvoriti jedinstven jezik. 1848. godine u Pragu je održan prvi slavenski kongres na kojem su se o toj temi okupili svi "istomišljenici". sjedinjenje bratskih naroda. Sudionici su mogli izraziti svoje viđenje i viziju te donijeti neke zajedničke odluke.

Jedno od rješenja bilo je odabir zajedničke himne "Hej, Slaveni". Ovdje su usvojene i pan-slavenske boje, koje su bile temelj nacionalnim simbolima mnogih zemalja koje sudjeluju na kongresu. Od 1848. godine bili su prisutni na zastavi Moravske (bijelo-crveno-plava zastava) i na zastavi Slovačke revolucije (crveno-plavo-bijela zastava s bijelim trokutom s desne strane)

Poznavanje pan-slavenskih boja, kao i njihovo podrijetlo, dvosmisleno je. Prema heraldičkoj tradiciji, crvena je simbol borbe, krvi i hrabrosti, bijela znači čistoću i plemenitost, plava je znak neba, poštenja, odanosti i velikodušnosti.

With love

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Avatar for apela
Written by
3 years ago


A very nice explanation regarding the colors on the flags of the Slavic peoples, some of which I didn't even know. Thank you for this explanation. Although, as far as I am concerned, I would have preferred us to remain under Austro-Hungarian empires, because today we would live in Austria or Hungary or some other EU country and it would be much better for us, than in these small countries of ours. LOL

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow i know

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3 years ago

I'm subscribe your profile , please subscribe me.....

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3 years ago

Prvi put cujem za taj kongres iz 1848. Generalno, ujedinjenje je bilo neophodno i donelo mnpgo dobrih stvari. Ko bi rekao da ce sve tako brzo da se raspadne

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3 years ago

Zaista nisam znala za ovo. Odlicno si nam objasnila. Eto i danas sam naucila nesto novo od tebe. Hvala ti na tome :D

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3 years ago

Thanks for information

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3 years ago

Prefiks -pan, sveopći, isto kao i kod pandemije, što znači opća epidemija.

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3 years ago