If Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967), a native of Argentina and a doctor, were still alive, he would be an aged, nothing but romantic Cuban revolutionary, probably hooked up to pipes that would artificially keep him alive. He would experience the collapse of Cuba, the complete collapse of the Bolivarian Revolution, the economic miracle of Chile, Tito without one leg, the hunt for Nicolae Ceaușescu and the bullets in his body on Christmas Day, the fall of the Berlin Wall behind the "socialist paradise", the death of Fidel Castro. Well, he's not alive.
October 9 will mark the 53rd anniversary of his death. They killed him. Just as he himself killed or had ten thousand people killed without trial, most of whom were not his enemies at all. Most people, especially young people, idealize it, wear it proudly on T-shirts, the question is if they even know what it was and what it represented.
A few quotes say enough about his life.
About the revolutionary "rule of law"
"You don't need court evidence to send people in front of a firing squad. These procedures are archaic-bourgeois details. It is a revolution. And revolutionaryism must become a cold-blooded killing machine motivated by pure hatred. ”
Che’s infamous firing squads he led are known. Together with Fidel Castro and his brother Raul, the trio killed at least 1,253 people on their own. A photograph was also created from that time, which we would like to see never exist. It shows how the "trinity" executes.
About "problem solving"
“I solved the problem with a .22 caliber. I shot a bullet in the right side of his brain. (…) I appropriated everything that was his. "
He thus commented on the murder of co-worker Eutimi Guerra, who was accused of espionage.
About the evidence
"I do not need evidence to kill a man. I just need proof why I wouldn't kill him. "
So Che responded at the United Nations when asked what criteria he used to kill people associated with opponents of socialism.
About young people
“Young people need to learn to think like a crowd. It is a crime to think as an individual. "
These words are still considered sacred by leftists.
About myself
"I am well and thirsty for blood. Like a real soldier. "
He wrote this to his mother.
About blacks
"A black man is careless and a dreamer, he wastes his small salary on nonsense and drinks. The European comes from a tradition of work and saving, which brought him to this part of America. (…) They do not have to wash because of their race. '
That’s how Che Guevara thought about blacks in his diaries. Interesting. Che is a leftist icon, but also a racist.
About the relativity of time
“Revolution is not an apple that falls from a tree when the time comes. You're the one who has to force the apple to fall. "
Che about when it's time for a cruel revolution. This method is used by leftists in the economy today. They share the money before they earn it. If at all.
About the media
"We have to shut down all the newspapers. With a free media, revolution is impossible. "
Um, leftists don’t like free speech. Well, actually her. They allow freedom of speech as long as you agree with them. When not, it’s already hate speech.
About the price of revolution
"The victory of socialism is worth millions of atomic victims. (…) If nuclear missiles remained in Cuba, they would be launched into the very heart of the United States, that is, into New York. "
The "humanitarian" never hid the fact that he would destroy the United States if he could.
About the army
"Hate is at the heart of our struggle. The savage hatred forces man beyond his abilities and makes him a cold-blooded killing machine. That is exactly what our soldiers must be like. "
Socialists are supposed to be peaceful, right?
Da je Ernesto Che Guevara (1928.-1967.), Rodom iz Argentine i liječnik, još uvijek živ, bio bi ostarjeli, ništa drugo do romantični kubanski revolucionar, vjerojatno zakačen za cijevi koje bi ga umjetno održavale na životu. Doživio bi slom Kube, potpuni slom Bolivarske revolucije, ekonomsko čudo Čilea, Tita bez jedne noge, lov na Nicolaea Ceaușescua i metke u njegovom tijelu na Božić, pad Berlinskog zida iza "socijalistički raj", smrt Fidela Castra. Pa nije živ.9. listopada obilježit će se 53. godišnjica njegove smrti. Ubili su ga. Kao što je i sam ubio ili dao deset tisuća ljudi ubiti bez suđenja, od kojih većina uopće nije bila njegov neprijatelj. Većina ljudi, posebno mladi ljudi, to idealiziraju, nose s ponosom na majicama, pitanje je znaju li uopće što je to bilo i što je predstavljalo.
Nekoliko citata dovoljno govori o njegovom životu.
O revolucionarnoj "vladavini zakona"
"Ne trebaju vam sudski dokazi da biste ljude slali pred streljački vod. Ti su postupci arhaično-buržoaski detalji. To je revolucija. A revolucionarnost mora postati hladnokrvni stroj za ubijanje motiviran čistom mržnjom."
Poznate su Cheove zloglasne streljačke ekipe koje je vodio. Zajedno s Fidelom Castrom i njegovim bratom Raulom, trio je sam ubio najmanje 1.253 ljudi. Iz tog je vremena stvorena i fotografija za koju bismo voljeli da nikad ne postoji. Pokazuje kako se izvršava "trojstvo".
O "rješavanju problema"
“Riješio sam problem kalibrom .22. Pucao sam mu u desnu stranu mozga. (...) prisvojio sam sve što je bilo njegovo. "
Tako je komentirao ubojstvo suradnika Eutimija Guerre, koji je bio optužen za špijunažu.
O dokazima
"Ne trebaju mi dokazi da bih ubio čovjeka. Trebam samo dokaz zašto ga ne bih ubio."
Tako je Che odgovorio u Ujedinjenim narodima na pitanje po kojim je kriterijima ubijao ljude povezane s protivnicima socijalizma.
O mladim ljudima
„Mladi moraju naučiti razmišljati poput gomile. Zločin je razmišljati kao pojedinac. "
Te riječi ljevičari i danas smatraju svetima.
O meni
"Dobro sam i žedan sam krvi. Poput pravog vojnika."
Ovo je napisao svojoj majci.
O crncima
"Crnac je neoprezan i sanjar, svoju malu plaću troši na gluposti i pića. Europljanin dolazi iz tradicije rada i štednje koja ga je dovela u ovaj dio Amerike. (...) Ne moraju se prati jer njihove rase. '
Tako je Che Guevara u svojim dnevnicima razmišljao o crncima. Zanimljiv. Che je ljevičarska ikona, ali i rasist.
O relativnosti vremena
“Revolucija nije jabuka koja padne s drveta kad za to dođe vrijeme. Ti si ta koja mora prisiliti jabuku da padne. "
Če o tome kad je vrijeme za okrutnu revoluciju. Ovu metodu danas koriste ljevičari u gospodarstvu. Novac dijele prije nego što ga zarade. Ako uopće.
O medijima
"Moramo ugasiti sve novine. Sa slobodnim medijima revolucija je nemoguća."
Hm, ljevičari ne vole slobodu govora. Pa, zapravo ona. Dopuštaju slobodu govora sve dok se s njima slažete. Kad ne, to je već govor mržnje.
O cijeni revolucije
"Pobjeda socijalizma vrijedi milijune atomskih žrtava. (...) Ako nuklearne rakete ostanu na Kubi, bile bi lansirane u samo srce Sjedinjenih Država, odnosno u New York."
"Humanitarac" nikada nije skrivao činjenicu da bi uništio Sjedinjene Države ako bi mogao.
O vojsci
"Mržnja je u srcu naše borbe. Divlja mržnja tjera čovjeka izvan njegovih mogućnosti i čini ga hladnokrvnim strojem za ubijanje. Upravo takvi moraju biti naši vojnici."
Socijalisti bi trebali biti mirni, zar ne?
Danas malo kritike..
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That was an interesting read and i enjoyed reading it. Well done