For the love of money.

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2 years ago

In an article a few days back I wrote about how our mind is programmed to hate the rich who have more money, how factory schools create a typical mindset among us that we are meant to live a life of subsistence, that money is something evil. But money is the best thing that can happen in life provided we know how to make money our ally.

Everything in life requires money. Even our birth at a hospital costs money, our cremation after death costs money. Once we wake up the toothpaste we use costs money, the breakfast costs money, the electricity we use costs money, the vehicle and the gas we use to go to office or shopping costs money, the work we do is to earn money, the wine and food we have in restaurant costs money, a boyfriend/ girlfriend costs money, wife needs money, children need money, the vacation costs money. A day at the hospital costs money. Even the one who has completely detached himself from the material world needs money. To fulfill our dream we need money, our worst nightmare costs money.  In a nutshell we need money for every step of our life. Still we abhor those with excessive money.

You may be thinking that I am money minded but I am merely thinking practically. We value relations more than money and rightly so but every relation needs money otherwise it will collapse or cause mental pain. The relation between a husband and wife is considered to be the epitome of love but if I am not able to make her life better materially then it will always pinch me. Poverty and love is not a good combination. If I am not able to give a better life to my children it is a bad situation. If I am standing by the bedside of my mother who is seriously ill and I am not able to give her the best of medical care then it will hurt me.

Money cannot buy happiness is the most common thing we hear. But if you are not able to take care of your own dreams, your wife’s desires, your children’s education, your parents treatment will you he happy.  I guess not. It is true that all of happiness doesn’t come from money but surely a good portion of it comes from it. If in any sort of true relation, excessive money will not harm that relation but less money will not make life happier and easier. Our mind is also programmed crave for material happiness, that’s the way world is now and there is nothing wrong in it as it makes life easier. Money attracts gold digger but only a dumb person will not be able to distinguish between a gold digger and a genuine relation, and trust me those with money are not dumb people.

Another thing which we usually hear is that money will not save you from death. Money can buy the best medical treatment but rich people also die. I think this comparison if wrong as death is inevitable for everyone, rich or poor but dying with the best treatment possible and dying with not being able to get a proper treatment is completely different thing. The family members of a rich who is dying with the best medical care will be satisfied at least that they did their best. But the feeling of not being able to arrange for a good medical care due to lack of money will be a cause of lot of pain and frustration.

It is people with a lot of money and having businesses and factories we should be grateful to as they are giving employment and a dream of decent living. In my part of the world government jobs are craved for the most but governments cannot create so many jobs so as to cater for all the educated youth landing every year in the job market. It is the private sector which is helping the educated youth to earn decent bread and butter.

Flaunting and show off of money based on ego of being rich and famous is obviously wrong. Those who have earned money and become rich generally avoid it because they understand the value of money. It is found more among those in show biz. Generally the first generation rich are down to earth and more matured. It is only people like me from the middle class that we look at them wearing the tinted glass of envy and try to be opinioned.

Money is not evil; money has no attributes in itself it and is an inert thing. It depends on how we use that money. Money used as charity for the betterment of poor is good use of money; money used for destructive weapons is bad use of money. The middle class just doesn't know how to use money, most of the times they get into debt and go broke just to look rich. All the rich millionaires and billionaires pursue their dreams with full dedication- money is only the byproduct for them. It depends on the person behind the money and not money itself. Even love and other good emotions used in a wrong way can be dangerous.

( Link to the article I mentioned in first paragraph)

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2 years ago


El dinero no es malo. El dinero es una necesidad. Amo el dinero pero solo por una razón, para hacer mi vida más bella. Lo más importante es cómo usamos el dinero como administramos el dinero

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone is programmed to function in a certain way. Those who have money are not in any way at fault for having money, also the poor are not at fault. Money is a valuable resource to human. We all strive to make it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right. Money is not evil. Money is a necessity. I love money but only for one reason, to make my life more beautiful. The most important is how we use money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Living, breathing, drinking water, meeting even the most human needs always pass through money. In order to do all this, we have to work and have money. What I regret most about all this is that even your health is based on money, if you have money you can get the treatment you want, if you don't have money, you will get limited treatment. Money is important and unfortunately valuable!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're completely right. I used to say that money doesn't matter but you realise that it does when medical procedures are available but you can't afford them. And it's not the hospitals' fault. A doctor is not supposed to work for free.

The world is inherently uneven and it's impossible for everybody to have the same resources. That's wishful thinking that stems from jealousy. What I don't approve of is millionaires who waste their money on yet another yacht, some exorbitant meals and drinks, and in particular, when they earned their wealth by abusing others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I mirror your thoughts. We have been programmed to underestimate money and hate who have it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money can't buy good health, money if not used in good will it will destroy your life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money cant buy good health- true but health is a different thing and has nothing to do with money and for bad health money is required. Money if not used good - that's true for everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you Telesfor sir.

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2 years ago