There are no crises
to people with severe
needs, of the
people fed a lot
in their palm.
No hurtful words
to the person who already has a child
near graduation
and No slack
Boss to the person who works
of the house   
He can handle all that
endure because otherwise
all formed
dreams or living things
he is not far off
if he gives up…
Everyone is
patient, the others
just distracted by if
what do you want in life…
The others are vague
life plans so
they are easily confused
or be deceived
of difficulty to give up or
stopped to avoid that
the endurance.
They do not know part of
endurance lives because
part of growth or “growth”
the endurance… Even
where do you look, even at
sports games, with time
that they are training or rehearsing
and in rehearsal we know
that many points there already
they are struggling but they are
it endures because in return
its the result of their
body for their harvest
the score and itoy their
In life it is so,
we must all grow
if we want to live, if
so destiny is sent
let's have a variety of trials
for us to master… Nasa
only to you if you accept
it's fun or not, ultimately
if you think and understand
those who come to us
we should just go through for
for our own good. GAnun ang
The Crisis is for me
is a happy event
in our lives on the one hand
because perhaps
destiny has chosen you
or let us come together for
unite to discover what is desired
the Father will teach us.