Thursday, May 13, 2021
I write at the turn of time, the lonely middle of the night. When everyone is sleeping. My eyes opened and saw the beauty of the night. This is a day when all people feel lucky and happy. All hope that the prayers that God will answer.
For 30 days, training to become a better person has been done. All try to improve themselves. Today must be better than yesterday. And tomorrow is better than today. It was a month of practice. Everyone started and made improvements happily.
First of all, for 30 days we train ourselves to endure hunger and thirst. Usually we enjoy food every afternoon. However, the past 30 days, we have refrained from eating from morning to evening. It is an exercise to remember about life. This habit is called fasting.
Fasting is better for us. When we can adjust how the body receives benefits by fasting. Like a poison detox. The body needs an emptiness that gives it time to rid the stomach of possible bad substances.
For some people, fasting is also an exercise for diet. The difference is, fasting can make us diet without feeling forced. There are some of my friends who fast one day and not fast one day. So he hunger for one day and broke free for tomorrow.
Second, the last 30 days, some of us have refrained from controlling our passions and anger. You know that lust and anger are a part of life. We must know the proper way to hold back. This is the benefit of fasting.
When everyone can refrain from lust and anger. Then we will enjoy every day more. Because lust and anger are tough tests for humans. Therefore, humans learn to calm down.
After 30 days, those who have fasted will meet the day of victory. Today, people call it a holy day. Winning from desire, winning after being able to resist anger, winning to control desire.
In other situations, we can train ourselves to be sincere. People who see success from others. We can pray that friends can be successful. We don't have to be angry. We have to study.
Is there an article that received a great tip. From this case, we can refrain from criticizing. The tip received is sustenance. As long as you can hold back, as long as that you can write in happily.
Assets are the results of efforts. The people who own these assets are the people who have studied and worked hard. We must be grateful for every bitcoin cash in your wallet. It is our sustenance and our work.
In the culture of my country, fasting is seen as a sign of lack, the people who eat the most are considered successful and living in abundance.