Charging Water

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3 years ago

For a few years I would filter my water, put it in a glass container then do something similar as this. Also put head phones around the container playing uplifting music. Would set the container in the window for a few days and allow sunlight to penetrate the water. Also added certain crystals around the container to amplify the intent. I still do this but not as often. Also works well when making homemade kombucha. You don't leave the kombucha in light though, put it in a dark area.

Water is highly receptive to thoughts, emotions and is programmable. The idea of Holy Water is indeed True. You do not need to have it blessed by a priest once you understand your own powers and abilities. You become the "instrument of desired intent" and need no middle man to do it for you. This is one of the main reasons why religions despise esoteric teachings. THEY seek to be your middle man to SOURCE. THEY despise competition and primarily seek to control us. Be your own evidence and "Know" for "Thyself" is the mind set I embrace. This is achieved through persistent practice, focus and the desire to know.

Can also use copper pyramids to charge and amplify energetic intentions for many purposes.

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