You have to take risks in order to win in life.

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1 year ago

“People who take risks change the world.”

Life is full of setbacks, of risks, which are possibilities of collateral damage when we want something, when we plan, it is evident that no one, not even we, are to blame but it is clear that there are energies that make things possible and on other occasions they take us away from those that can destabilize us, it is also clear that the human being is not prepared to manage these setbacks at first, everything depends on the education and life perspective that he has to be able to overcome adverse situations, nobody he likes to take risks, but they are wild cards and nuances of life in order to win, in order to succeed at times we must give everything completely blindly because the reward is greater than expected but only if we know how to wait, as I said we protect ourselves, the human being by nature wants to live a happy life always but life puts us to the test, it puts us through battles that lead us to transform ourselves, lead us to adjust little little by little what we want.

They have instilled in us that happiness is related to having balance, to having each area of ​​our life balanced, what they never told us was that balance is not static, life is a constant ups and downs, moments of crisis, of imbalance they are the ones that truly provide us with knowledge, with tools to wisely manage how to cope with them, they also make us know our interior beyond what we can see when we are in balance, it makes us more aware of our actions, our behavior and style of life, knowing in this way what we are failing, what we are making mistakes to be able to work on solving them, staying in stillness, not trying to overcome fear, especially fear of not being perfect can trigger a tendency in passivity and not in action in us, that is why overcoming fear is extremely relevant and the only way to do it that exists is through action, let us remember that we are not What we say we do is really our actions.

Although we are not truly aware of the mistakes that do not allow us to achieve our success and excellence in life, the first step is obviously to assume that we made them, it is brave to accept and it is cowardly to ignore, cowards are weak people incapable of following their illusions and passions in life, mistakes, have always been seen from an extremely negative perspective, a perspective that disables all those brave people who are capable of accepting their actions because mistakes are really the traces of our attempts, they are a kind of of scars that show us that we have been brave, that we have advanced over time, the people who are not wrong, the people who do not have scars are those who do not dare in life, they are the people who are satisfied with what they have and what they can have when the reality is that the world can be ours, we can have what we want if we work, if we go out and break the mold of the pr established, because the fool is not the one who makes mistakes, the fool is the one who limits himself to not trying, life would be incredible if we didn't make them, but it really has much more value with mistakes, with mistakes, with its ups and downs that teach us that everything has value , that everything deserves its fair recognition, mistakes basically teach us to:

-Recognize that we are not perfect and it's okay.

-Adapt to the various situations that life puts us on the road.

-They make us more batteries, it teaches us to be more detailed.

-They teach us about what we don't know and make us more aware of our limitations.

Never be afraid to take a step out of fear of making a mistake, be afraid not to take it, in that step you will find growth and this, no matter how small it may be, will always be true for our process!

Thank you for reading!

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Avatar for alvarohache
1 year ago


Being a risk taker helps us, because at the end of the day if we achieve is of our own benefits

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1 year ago