Getting started with Bitcoin Cash

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2 years ago

Certainly many have already heardor know exactly the meaning of Bitcoin Cash, but there are also many who still don't know or have something they need to know more about Bitcoin Cash.

It is necessary to always remember the fundamentals behind Bitcoin Cash and for that we have to know the story of the creation of one of the most important currencies that happened in the decentralized world.

Getting Started with Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash is an electronic currency but unlike traditional government-created currencies it does not have a centralized issuance and no one owns it, so it is completely decentralized.

Before the existence of Bitcoin Cash, for example, it was not possible to make a transaction without the help of a third party to complete it, and these same transactions were very expensive as well as their transaction confirmation period, which was relatively slow. With Bitcoin Cash these problems have been solved since it doesn't need any third party for its realization, happening directly in a peer-to-peer electronic payments system, that is, happening from person to person.

How does this happen

These transactions are facilitated by a group of computers around the world whose mission is to confirm them in a decentralized network called blockchain. These big computers use mathematical systems to verify and confirm them, which then publish them on the Blockchain that will never again be tampered with.

They are securely stored and universally registered in this large list called blockchain.

In the past (about 3 years ago) transactions on the BCH Blockchain network were very few, but over time they have been increasing. It should be noted that Bitcoin Cash was created from the fork of Bitcoin Core (BTC), which, with the increase in transactions, was forced to scale up but not reaching a consensus, Bitcoin Cash emerged, whose mission was to maintain the cheap, fast and secure decentralized system so that it would continue to be chosen as the digital money chosen by the people.

Bitcoin Cash can be found listed at brokerage with ticker (BCH) where it can be purchased by purchase with a credit or debit card, it can be exchanged with US Dollars, Bitcoin Core (BTC) and many other traditional currencies (FIAT) as well as cryptocurrencies. It can also be purchased from a P2P brokers and paid directly from person to person.

Difference between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Core in terms of transactions

Bitcoin Cash is much more advanced than Bitcoin Core, and has the ability to process more than 100 transactions per second whereas Bitcoin Core (BTC) only processes 6 transactions per second. One of the most compelling fundamentals of Bitcoin Cash is that even though it processes more than 100 transactions per second, it still charges less than a cent on the dollar to have it run on the Blockchain.

The biggest drawback here is that over time the increase in transactions on the blockchain network, for example, Bitcoin Core (BTC) increased a lot (making the network often congested with transactions lasting hours or even days) and took many people looking for the Bitcoin Cash blockchain, as it has greater processing capacity, always remaining faithful to its fundamentals: extremely low rates, network security and fast transactions like lightning.

How to use and store Bitcoin Cash

To be able to use Bitcoin Cash it is necessary to have a connection to the internet network, this connection will allow the user to download a wallet where he can keep his bitcoins, safe and free from external interference, only allowing the owner to make financial and cheap transactions in one peer-to-peer decentralized payments system.

Bitcoin Cash is a form of money and payment used both virtually and in real life, it can be used for payments at merchants who accept it and this only gives more value to the currency, if it has use in the lives of people clear that use will be even more useful.

Finalizing the subject, Bitcoin Cash

To finish off, it is necessary to remember that BCH is a decentralized currency and a form of peer-to-peer electronic cash and payment. Currency has practical use in real life, where PEOPLE use it for daily payments both to purchase consumer goods and to pay for services.

Bitcoin Cash can also be used as an investment, as it doesn't lose value to inflation, it increases in value over time. It can be purchased on exchanges and has the ticker BCH on crypto exchanges and on P2P platforms, where payment is made from people to people.

To store Bitcoin Cash the wallet can be used, on Android and IOS, also Bitpay, Cash Address, Melis, Zapit, BRD, Satoship, Ledger, Coinbase wallet, Via wallet, IfWallet, Jaxx, Guarda, Strong Coin and more... on PC electron Cash wallet can be used and others spread over the web. Always remember to do your personal research (DYOR) about non-custodial wallets where the user can track and store their bitcoins using their recovery word.

To gather more info about Bitcoin Cash visit here.

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Avatar for alli2021
2 years ago


Bitcoin cash nowadays is super important to me! I am grateful to for allowing me to be a part of it and earn Bitcoin cash

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2 years ago