Iron (Fe) is an essential mineral for the body, since it is responsible for the production of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Our energy level depends on it, it is responsible for the transfer of oxygen in the body and growth, to name some of its functions. If we do not have a sufficient supply of iron we can suffer from anemia or other diseases.
Below I write 4 very simple tips to increase the absorption of iron in your body:
1.- Accompany meats with vegetables:
The iron present in meat increases the absorption of iron present in plants and vegetables. For example, when you eat bistec, accompany it with a spinach salad, if you eat fish accompany it with artichokes and if your dish is chicken, complement it with beans, these foods together are a rich source of iron.
2.- Drink orange juice with your meals:
Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron in the body, orange juice in particular doubles it. Foods that contain vitamin C and improve iron absorption are citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, chili, tomato, strawberry, melon, among others.
3.- Do not drink tea or coffee at dinner:
Tannins (phenolic compounds that have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties) present in tea and coffee, inhibit the absorption of iron in the body, therefore it is not recommended to consume them at night .
4.- Take the supplements 1 hour before eating:
The supplements are better assimilated if the stomach is relatively empty, if you take iron supplements do not do it with food. It is also not advisable to take them with milk, since calcium can slightly inhibit the absorption of iron. You can take them with orange or apple juice, since they facilitate the absorption of the mineral and hide the bad taste characteristic of iron. I recommend consulting your doctor before taking any vitamin supplement.
By following these simple but effective tricks we will help our body to assimilate this mineral so essential to stay healthy and strong.
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Very informative my friends. I always have tea after dinner because coffee is always in morning. Looks like I mess up on my tea time.