It's a matter of time before Bitcoin Cash holds the market and here's why

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3 years ago

Bitcoin Cash is a new programmable money the true Bitcoin the dream of Satoshi Nakamoto, decentralized open source money available to anyone in the world is safe, fast, cheap and extremely reliable. Bitcoin Cash was made for peer-to-peer payments directly from one user to another without needing to switch to fiat money. Now let's see:

  • Among many currencies in the crypto world Bitcoin Cash costs less than a penny to send from one place to another

  • There is still a lot of room for currency adoption and growth on the entire planet

  • Bitcoin Cash can be compared to digitized systems like email and email, but instead of digitizing texts it digitizes decentralized money

  • Bitcoin Cash has no borders, it can be sent anywhere and without asking permission from third parties in a fast way with low transaction fees in a reliable way ... it is the future of money.

Men live in a totally globalized world, many migrate in search of better living conditions elsewhere on the planet, people from Africa go to the Americas, those from the Americas go to Europe or Asia, those from Asia to Africa and other parts of the world turning the sharing of values ​​transaction inclusive and without borders and allowing the same people to make payments to each other. This movement of people in the world can allow them to use Bitcoin Cash to easily send money to their countries of origin without having to go through bank bureaucracies. This would allow workers abroad to send money to build their home, pay their children's tuition, buy food or even start their own business without having to worry about paying big fees to remittance companies, who sincerely charge too much, and it still takes a long time to have the money available to those who are really afflicted, Bitcoin Cash fixes this and the both, sender and the recipient has the value of sending and receiving confirmed on the network very fast paying very little money.

Bitcoin Cash was made to spend without having to worry about fees, as they are very low - it is a decentralized currency of international level. Whoever says that Bitcoin Core (BTC) is a currency alternative for the world, but it is not, because people want something to use in their day-to-day lives and not a store of value with high fees and very slow transactions, so Bitcoin Cash works more for the people and it makes more sense to use it.

Bitcoin Cash is accessible to everyone, it is an easy to use inclusive currency, here nobody is discriminated against and the currency has no borders. It's smart money and has the best exciting features that make your network very exciting:

  1. Open source peer-to-peer money

  2. Decentralized scales on chain

  3. Low rates

  4. Privacy (CashFusion, Schnorr)

  5. SLP Technology and NFT Tokens

  6. Tipping Bloggers platforms and

  7. Decentralized social media ( and

  8. Double spend proof protected

  9. O-confirmations

  10. Crowdfunding platforms: Flipstarter and to help fund projects that really matter for currency and community development.

Bitcoin Cash is the most widely accepted decentralized currency in the world by merchants around the world and with well-established locations like Thailand, Venezuela, Japan, Nigeria, South Africa, Philippines, Australia, Antigua and many more countries around the world. So using Bitcoin Cash has no disadvantages, we only notice the positive side of the currency.

And I was forgetting- even though I didn't do it Bitcoin Cash has a completely different community than other projects, mutual aid is great, thus becoming not only a cryptocurrency but a GREAT WORLDWIDE FAMILY.

P.S: I take this article to thank everyone who are in solidarity with what is happening in Northern Mozambique where children, young people and women face one of the worst humanitarian crises since the civil war ended in 1992 in all Mozambican national territory, caused by terrorists who terrorize the population by committing various types of atrocities in order to expel them from their homes and dominate the territory rich in natural gas and ruby ​​mines, here goes a GREAT KANIMAMBO (thanks in the local Bantu language) to everyone who supported and continue to give them solidarity also check the fundme campaign.

That's why I say with my mouth full the Bitcoin Cash community is the best🔥.

$ 11.64
$ 10.34 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @emergent_reasons
$ 0.50 from @BitcoinCashHub
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3 years ago


I'm honestly amazed at how helpful BCH has been for people around the world. It is quite an amazing piece of technology.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

BCH is really powerful :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago