Finally - the BIGGEST FESTIVE EVENT OF THE YEAR IS HERE: Bitcoin Cash Conference 2022

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1 year ago

The biggest party of the year has arrived and it's time to enjoy the debate around the present and future of Bitcoin Cash expressed directly by the prominent figures who are present there.

The Bitcoin Cash Conference 2022 brought together the biggest stars in space in one place in St Kitts and Nevis, will have panelists from various areas with the country's Prime Minister the honorable Doctor Terrance Drew as well as honorable parliamentary member Rolando Brison from St. Maarten.

In addition to politicians from the biggest and best islands to adopt Bitcoin Cash in the domestic economy, it will have the participation of the founder of the company and one of the first investors in BITCOIN - the illustrious Roger Ver , the entrepreneur in the hotelier and Dev John Zuliani as well as Les Khan Head from Citizenship by investment|St Kitts.

Note that the names mentioned are also known for their contribution as people who acquired citizenship using crypto, ie CITIZENSHIP WITH CRYPTO.

In addition to CITIZENSHIP WITH CRYPTO, there will also be a panel composed of people who will address aspects related to the future of Bitcoin Cash as electronic money, development as well as decentralized engineering;

John Nieri aka emergent_reasons - General Protocols President, Chris Troutner | software developer and John Swingle who is a Crypto Investor.

The list of panelists is vast, including for the appreciation and presentation, for example, of leaders of payment processing companies using crypto and hosting figures that are linked to the adoption of Bitcoin Cash on a global scale, encouraging merchants to accept the Bitcoin Cash currency in their business.

So, in St Kitts and Nevis are the founder of GOCRYPTO - Dejan Roljic and Michael Martin of GO CARD INC | Eastern Caribbean.

Prominent Bitcoin Cash figures linked to merchant adoption are there:

Ryan Giffin from Florida in the US dedicated to adoption by merchants located in the region to accept Bitcoin Cash for their products and services;

The famous Bitcoin Jason who works tirelessly for merchants in Australia to accept Bitcoin Cash for their products and services also Marcelo Fleischer who works in Argentina so that the adoption of Bitcoin Cash become a reality on the merchants who are in the territory.

Screenshots taken from the Conference's official website

The Bitcoin Cash 2022 Conference is, above all, a great party that brings together people who are connected to the world of electronic cash and who believe in the continuation of money in a decentralized and digital way, being a catalyst for adoption to continue growing not only in St. Kitts and Nevis as well as the world at large.

Fiendish Crypto will host the ceremony, an event that will address crucial themes for the development, evolution and involvement of Bitcoin Cash as the main P2P in decentralized financial transactions and will maintain as a base the single use of Bitcoin Cash for everything that involves payments during the festival.

The Bitcoin Cash Conference takes place over two days, this Saturday 12 November and ends on Sunday 13 November with streaming on YouTube .

Its official sponsors are, GoCrypto, Passports for Crypto, Unizen , Royal St Kitts Hotel, Global Link & BCH Games .

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1 year ago


Cool, i will attach it on my new article. Good stuff😎

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