A Little Update on my house building using Bitcoin Cash: focus on the electrical part

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Avatar for alberdioni8406
1 year ago

Once again I have to thank my godfather, the anonymous donor who believes and continues to support the construction of my house, the first in Southern Africa where it will also be the base of the Bitcoin Cash Mozambique house, all built solely on Bitcoin Cash financing. My "godfather" sent me 4.5 BCH (worth 500 dollars at the time) which was all invested in purchasing wires and electrical panel for the electrical installation.

The structure, which is still very little to finish, is already in the terminal phase and now comes the part where the electrical wiring has to take place. The electrical installation is a very important step of the work because it is done together with the concrete, that is, the electrical wiring and piping play a key role in a construction like the one I am doing.

If it is put in the wrong way it can have a negative impact on the lighting of the entire infrastructure and requires a professional to make it happen in an organized way, so the electrician must be someone who understands the job. Often here in the surroundings people who are building use non-professional electricians and this is expensive in monetary terms because they end up compromising the entire electrical structure. So I used a renowned electrician here in the neighborhood and he proved once again that he's fit for another job well done!

All the electrical wiring for the house costed me almost 606 dollars (~5.1 BCH), 39430 Meticais, which was used to buy 400 meters of wire (100 meters of positive wire, 100 meters of negative wire, 100 meters of wire for light bulbs and 100 meters of earth wire) the switchboard and circuit breakers have not yet been delivered but were ordered costing in total (wires=frame=breakers) 37000 Meticais. Adding the internal sockets and switches totals 39430 Meticais.

Below I'll show you the quote I asked for on October 5th with the material I just purchased:

Please note that the quotation requested on the 5th of October does not contain the value of the panel as well as some components necessary for the electrical installation. The panel will be delivered this week, but the work is already in full swing! See the photograph of the material that I already have available so that the installation continues and is a success.

As for the piping work and threading of the wires in some rooms of the residence, they are going very well and I have compartments that are being worked on so that everything is concluded by the end of this month and the beginning of December, just in time to enter the last month of the year with the structure completed at 100 percent. Here are some photos I took in some compartments:

The place where the power board will be (kitchen)
The place where the piping that takes energy to the outside of the house is (visiting room)
An outlet located in 1 of the bedrooms
Electricity distribution piping located in the dining room

It should be noted that the house is leading to another part of the slab and will have everything finished this month or early December. The vast majority of the material exists as well as the money to pay the masons. Of course, in a work there always has to be money on hand because something is always missing, from helpers' money or transport and others.

Also mention that after finishing the infrastructure of the house, another work will follow: the acquisition of material such as Windows, doors, tiles and other material that complete the process of making the house built using Bitcoin Cash. Thank you in advance for the support of the Bitcoin Cash community (and my sponsor in particular, because thanks to him the work is happening) and that he continues to support that the funding is being very fruitful.

Then enjoy some side photos of the house that is taking shape thanks to Bitcoin Cash;

Using Bitcoin Cash, people can improve their standard of living as long as there is commitment to the cause. I've been in the community actively for 3 years and I've seen projects come and go, projects that received good funding but, over time, disappear or simply stop posting updates about them. I committed to the construction project of my house using Bitcoin Cash (BCH_Moz residence and headquarters) and even without a FLIP STARTER that received funding I was awarded a donation made regularly by an anonymous sponsor and it is up to me to honor with Updates and give to know what is happening.

I hope to see more projects that honor the commitments and that mine continues to have the necessary support, both monetarily and morally, so that it ends and together we can present a home to the world fully funded using Bitcoin Cash. To my "godfather" goes my big thanks and to the community my warm greeting and to say that together we are strong.

See you soon!

$ 1.16
$ 1.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Itsfarah
$ 0.02 from @Unity
Sponsors of alberdioni8406
Avatar for alberdioni8406
1 year ago


Keep it up this good work

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks mate! All the support is needed on this to finish it up!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You come this far using bitcoin cash. I wish you even more prosperity. Best of luck.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks mate, i appreciate you passing by

$ 0.00
1 year ago