Exclusive Interview with Fernando: Creating a Next-Generation Bitcoin Cash Node with Knuth's Project

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1 year ago

The world is becoming increasingly digital, and cryptocurrencies have definitely emerged as a viable alternative to paper money.

Bitcoin, the first and well-known decentralized asset in the planet, have paved the way for a whole new space of digital assets, with a large range of crypto coins and blockchain projets emerging and growing rapidly every day in the market.

Among this projetcs is Bitcoin Cash, a currency born from the hard fork on the Bitcoin Core Blockchain in 2017. Bitcoin Cash have, since then, gaining momentum being one of most reasons the offering of fast transactions times and more than 10x more cheaper fees than the predecessor.

Today, in this Interview we'll dive further into Bitcoin Cash and give a closer look at the Knuth Project an innovative node implementation, created by Fernando Pelliccioni that aims to improve upon existing solutions and contribute to the growth and adoption of Bitcoin Cash.

Interview highlights for Fernando regarding Knuth's project

We'll be Interviewing Fernando, the leader dev of Knuth Project, a person who I particular admire for his simplicity, also for his role in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem after all Knuth project, is a high-quality, user-friendly, and feature-rich node implementation for the Bitcoin Cash network.

We talked about his background and involvement in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem also discussed the inspiration behind starting the Knuth Project and the problem it aim to solve, which is scalability and streamlined user experience. Furthermore, Fernando explain how the project works, what sets it apart from another Bitcoin Cash nodes and challenges faced during its development.

So, sit tight and let's follow all the Interview:

💬: Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you first got involved in the Bitcoin Cash space?

🎙️: I am a software developer with over 25 years of experience, with a background in computer science. I first got involved in the Bitcoin Cash space when Bitmain, a key player in the Bitcoin space, decided to finance alternative node implementations to Bitcoin Core. In early 2016, I joined the Bitprim team as the first programmer of the Bitprim node, which was initially developed as a replacement for Bitcoin Core. However, a few months before the August 2017 hard fork, plans had changed and we knew that an alternative to BTC was going to be launched. Therefore, the Bitprim development team played a key role in the birth of Bitcoin Cash. We contributed significantly by developing one of the first Bitcoin Cash implementations, in parallel with BitcoinABC, as well as providing support through code review, test network setup, and testing of BitcoinABC.

💬: What was the inspiration behind starting the Knuth project, and what problem(s) were you hoping to solve with it?

🎙️: As a team, we realized that the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem needed a high-quality, easy-to-use node implementation that could improve upon existing solutions. We were inspired by the idea of creating a software solution that would not only support the Bitcoin Cash network but also offer a streamlined user experience.

One of the main problems we hoped to solve was the issue of scalability. Bitcoin Cash has a larger block size limit than BTC, which makes it a more scalable blockchain. However, there was a need for an efficient, reliable, and easy-to-use node implementation that could handle larger blocks, process more transactions, and improve overall network performance. We also wanted to offer features that could help developers build applications on top of Bitcoin Cash, as well as improve the overall security and stability of the network.

In addition to these challenges, one of the main issues facing Bitcoin is adoption, particularly when it comes to new programmers. Not many programmers get involved in developing infrastructure software because it's a difficult area, and the code of Bitcoin Core (and its derivatives) is poorly designed, difficult to read and maintain, making it very prone to errors. Moreover, not all programmers are proficient in C++.

In Knuth, we aim to provide a high-performance node that focuses on scalability, while also addressing the challenges of the current software development process. Our goal is to have code that is clean, beautiful, modularized, easy to maintain, and always using the best industry standards. By doing so, we hope to make it easier for new programmers to get involved in developing Bitcoin Cash infrastructure software, while also attracting more experienced developers to the ecosystem. Ultimately, we believe that by solving these challenges, we can contribute to the growth and adoption of Bitcoin Cash.

To achieve this goal, we provide API/Bindings in the form of libraries in several programming languages such as C++, C, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python. These libraries use the core of the Knuth node written in C++, which makes it more efficient than writing a node in a language like Python. This approach allows programmers to work in the language that best suits them while still enjoying the benefits of a high-performance node. We hope that this will encourage more developers to get involved in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem and contribute to its growth and development.

💬: Can you walk us through how the Knuth project works, and what sets it apart from other BCH nodes?

🎙️: Certainly. The Knuth project is a high-quality, user-friendly, and feature-rich node implementation for the Bitcoin Cash network. One of the things that sets it apart from other BCH nodes is the emphasis we've placed on code quality and modularization. Our team has worked hard to create code that is clean, beautiful, and easy to maintain, using the best industry standards. This approach has not only improved the overall performance of the node, but also made it easier for developers to build applications on top of Bitcoin Cash.

Another key feature that sets Knuth apart is the availability of APIs and libraries in multiple programming languages, such as C++, C, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python. By using the core node implementation written in C++, these APIs and libraries offer the best of both worlds - the efficiency of C++ and the ease of use of other programming languages. This approach makes it easier for developers to work with the Knuth node implementation, even if they are not proficient in C++, and ultimately contributes to the growth and adoption of Bitcoin Cash.

Of course, scalability remains an important feature of the Knuth project. We have designed the node to be highly scalable, capable of handling larger blocks and processing more transactions than other BCH nodes. However, we believe that our emphasis on code quality, modularization, and multi-language APIs is what truly sets Knuth apart and makes it a valuable contribution to the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.

💬: What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced while developing the Knuth project, and how have you worked to overcome them?

🎙️: As with any complex software project, there have been several challenges we've faced while developing the Knuth project. One of the biggest challenges has been ensuring that our code is of the highest quality, and that it is modularized and easy to maintain. This is critical for ensuring that the node can scale effectively and that it can continue to evolve with the needs of the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. To address this challenge, we've put a lot of effort into designing our codebase in a way that is clean, modular, and easy to work with. We've also worked to ensure that our code adheres to the latest industry standards and best practices.

Another major challenge we've faced is ensuring that the node is highly performant, while also being reliable and secure. This has required a lot of testing and optimization work, as well as the implementation of various security measures to ensure that the node is not vulnerable to attack. To overcome these challenges, we've invested in high-quality testing infrastructure, and we've worked closely with the Bitcoin Cash community to ensure that our node meets the needs of users and developers.

We also face challenges as a small team with limited financial resources. We rely on the voluntary contributions of the community, which we deeply appreciate, and we have several projects and repositories to maintain. Knuth is likely the largest code base in the entire Bitcoin Cash ecosystem, and maintaining a large code base with limited resources is a major challenge. We are able to accomplish this thanks to a great personal effort and the contributions of the community.

Despite these challenges, we're proud of the progress we've made with the Knuth project, and we're excited to continue working to improve the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem with this high-quality, easy-to-use node implementation. Our goal is to create a software solution that not only supports the Bitcoin Cash network but also offers a streamlined user experience, helping to advance the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem and contribute to the growth and development of the broader cryptocurrency space.

💬: How do you envision the Knuth project evolving over the next few years, and what new features or capabilities do you hope to add in the future?

🎙️: We envision the Knuth project evolving significantly over the next few years, as we continue to invest in improving the quality, scalability, and performance of our node implementation. One major goal for us is to secure additional funding, which would enable us to expand our team and accelerate our development efforts.

Currently, we're working on a new version of the node, which we're calling Knuth^2 (squared). This new version is still in the early stages of development, but our vision is to push scalability to the absolute limit by leveraging the full power of modern hardware, including parallelism and concurrency, GPGPU computing, vector instructions, and potentially even specialized hardware like UTXO-set-specific memory. We're also exploring cutting-edge software technologies that we believe will be revolutionary for the cryptocurrency industry and for software development more broadly.

In addition to these ambitious goals, we also plan to continue working closely with the Bitcoin Cash community to ensure that our node meets the evolving needs of users and developers. We're excited about the future of the Knuth project, and we're confident that our ongoing efforts will help to drive innovation and progress in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.

💬: What do you see as the biggest benefits and drawbacks of using a BCH node like Knuth, both for individual users and for the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem?

🎙️: The biggest benefits of using a BCH node like Knuth include its high performance, scalability, and reliability. Knuth's modular architecture and well-designed codebase make it easy to work with, and its ability to handle large volumes of transactions and data makes it an ideal choice for businesses and other organizations looking to build on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

One thing to consider as a possible disadvantage is that we no longer support the RPC module. Developers who wish to use Knuth will need to adapt to our APIs, which we believe are superior to using Json-RPC, but this will require some adjustment on their part.

Overall, however, the benefits of using a BCH node like Knuth outweigh the potential drawbacks, particularly for those who value maintainable and scalable software.

💬: How do you stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the cryptocurrency space, and what resources do you find most helpful in your work?

🎙️: I stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the cryptocurrency space by following various Telegram channels, listening to podcasts, and reading information websites, mostly generated in Argentina. This country is currently experiencing a revolution in the use, adoption, and massification of Bitcoin Cash. I find these resources to be incredibly helpful in my work, as they allow me to stay informed about new technologies, regulatory changes, and market trends. Additionally, I regularly attend conferences and events related to cryptocurrency, which provide me with opportunities to network with other industry professionals and learn from experts in the field.

💬: What advice would you give to other developers who are interested in getting involved in the Bitcoin Cash space, and how can they best contribute to the growth and development of the ecosystem?

🎙️: For developers who are interested in getting involved in the Bitcoin Cash space, my advice would be to start by learning as much as possible about the technology and the ecosystem, and attending conferences and meetups can provide valuable networking opportunities and insights into the latest developments in the space. Additionally, developers can get involved in a variety of ways, including working on improving existing infrastructure, building new applications and services, and contributing to open-source projects.

At Knuth, we are committed to attracting young talent to the Bitcoin Cash space, and we offer free courses to teach them how to program a node software. We believe in nurturing and supporting the next generation of developers, as the older generation of developers eventually retire, it is crucial that we have a new generation of talented programmers to take the reins and continue to drive the growth and development of the ecosystem. By staying engaged with the community and continuing to learn and grow their skills, developers can make a meaningful impact and help shape the future of this exciting technology. Ultimately, our efforts will ensure a bright and sustainable future for Bitcoin Cash.

💬: What are some of the biggest misconceptions or myths you've encountered about Bitcoin Cash and how do you address them?

🎙️: One of the biggest misconceptions or myths about Bitcoin Cash that I've encountered is that it is just another version of Bitcoin, or a "fork" that was created simply to make a quick profit. Bitcoin Cash was developed to correct the deviation from Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a peer-to-peer electronic cash system with fast transactions and low fees, which occurred in BTC.

Another misconception is that Bitcoin Cash is only useful for illegal activities or money laundering. While it's true that cryptocurrencies can be used for illicit purposes, the same can be said for any form of currency. In fact, the transparent and immutable nature of the Bitcoin Cash blockchain actually makes it easier to trace and track transactions than traditional forms of currency.

To address these misconceptions, I try to educate people on the technical differences between BTC and Bitcoin Cash, as well as the potential benefits of using cryptocurrencies for everyday transactions. I also try to emphasize the importance of Bitcoin Cash as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, and I encourage people to learn more about the technology and the ecosystem. Ultimately, I believe that the best way to address these misconceptions is to educate people about the technology and the benefits of using Bitcoin Cash for everyday transactions.

💬: Can you tell us about any other projects you're currently working on or have planned for the future?

🎙️: Apart from my involvement in the implementation of essential changes for the May 2023 upgrade of Bitcoin Cash on the Knuth node, I'm also actively collaborating with Bitcoin Cash Node. Additionally, I'm taking charge of the development of TangoSwap, a project that has faced several hurdles in the past year, but we're hopeful for better times ahead. Lastly, as stated earlier, I'm enthusiastic about leading a team of skilled programmers and technical experts from the Spanish-speaking BCH community to work on the next generation of nodes that will help facilitate worldwide adoption.

Reach out to Fernando Pelliccioni on Twitter or visit the Knuth's Project.

Also don't forget to Read The Interviews:

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