60 million Merchants Could be Accepting BITCOIN CASH across India - aftermath of BCH2022

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Avatar for alberdioni8406
1 year ago

No doubt the Bitcoin Cash Conference in St Kitts and Nevis last weekend had a lot of news, but the announcement that Bitcoin Cash may soon be accepted by 60 million merchants across India could undoubtedly be one of the more important than the event recorded.

This feat will be possible using an integrated UPI payments network (settled in Indian Rupees INR, to avoid volatility) with a reach of 60 million merchants and the feature can be integrated into any Bitcoin Cash wallet.

The announcement was made public by the CEO of the Zapit_io app on Saturday, November 12th when he was called to speak before the Bitcoin Cash Conference 2022 panel of speakers. RadicalRomit was also privileged to address how much the Zapit_io app is transforming Bitcoin Cash adoption in India.

India is a rising star when it comes to cryptocurrency adoption and Bitcoin Cash in particular. In the territory there are several businesses that accept Bitcoin Cash as a means of payment such as Sherlock Pubs, Fogg or even the Bitcoin Cash dedicated Coffee Shop in Bangalore who proudly receive Bitcoin Cash for their products.

The Coffee Shop, upon opening, offered Bitcoin Cash to customers as a welcome sign to the venture and also to invite more people to use the currency. The venue is also used by people who conduct monthly meetings to talk about Bitcoin Cash.

Vikram Nikkam who is the Founder of InstacryptoIn, Unocoin and also organizer of Bitcoin Cash meetups has recorded unique moments in which the use of Bitcoin Cash is a reality in India. One of the extracts from the use of Bitcoin Cash can be seen in this tweet from the Fogg Lounge in Bangalore, India where all payments were made using the Bitcoin Cash currency.

What ALL these payments have in common?

As you can see above, the Indian territory is a growing Hub in the acceptance of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin Cash for payments, and they all have something in common, the USE of the BITCOIN CASH wallet Zapit_io.

Zapit_io is changing the way payments using Bitcoin Cash are evolving in India. The country is big and 60 million merchants accepting Bitcoin Cash is a milestone in payments using the currency.

The coin is in full development and with the UPi announced during the 2022 Bitcoin Cash Conference by the CEO of the app it makes one realize how important payments using the coin are in India and to avoid the volatility which is a major embarrassment for people who are accustomed to stability, the network comes with the system already stipulated in INR.

In short , the creators of the Zapit_io wallet thought of a mechanism that will make it easier for Indians who are getting involved with cryptocurrencies to be able to make payments using Bitcoin Cash at any merchant across the country and receive in INR, that is, users pay in BCH and the vendor is paid in local currency thanks to UPI (unified Payment interface).

Twitter Official announcement Screenshot

The Zapit_io application can reach 60 million offline merchants, 40M online and a total of 200M Individuals can be involved with the network it's providing.

A big step for Bitcoin Cash in India, a territory with more than 1 billion inhabitants waiting to accept a payment system that works for the people and enhance their freedom.



Also follow my social accounts: Twitter , noise.cash & noise.app.

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Avatar for alberdioni8406
1 year ago


Wow. India envading, am I right to understand that members can pay BCH and the vendor receives local currency? That is cool, integrating with Fiat, both thrives, a test but may be the best for both currencies.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a way to avoid volatility and grab more people to store BCH

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is a huge step FOR BCH, just imagine millions of people who adapts and use BCH as a currency will boom its popularity . I am happy to hear his news cause I see hope for the great acceptance and development of BCH. Kudos to all BCH enthusiasts who never give up in supporting BCH.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed, HUGE! ALL BCH community must celebrate this achievement as INDIA is a good entry point in Asia

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Whoa next is Asia. I wonder if FB will also has BCH option aside from meta crypto.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

BCH is decentralized and somehow Meta crypto wll be all centralized currency made for benefits from FB users

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's them. I see, thanks. At least we have many options to use and transact.

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago