Health is wealth

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Avatar for aftabalirazi
2 years ago
Topics: Health

Being free from illness is called health. If your immunity is strong against foriegn partical so your body will be free from all disease.

Immunity Or Immune system:

The ability of body to resist almost all kind of foriegn partical is called immunity.

Antigen & Antibodies:

When any dust partical, bacteria, fungi etc came into our body through water, air or meet we called them antigen while in our body we have white blood cells (WBCs) which produce antibodies against antigen and engulf the antigen and kill them.


WBCs are of five types

  1. Esinophiles

  2. Basophiles

  3. Monocytes

  4. Neutrophiles

  5. Lymphocytes

    The most important of our body in WBC cells are lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are of two types


    In our body T cells act as king.


    In our body B cells act like a soldier.

    NOTE: When a normal person get infect from HIV . The virus of HIV firstly attack on T cells and gradually kills all the T cell in the body. T cells are found in a very low quantity in the body while the quantity of B cell are in million. T Cells gaving commond to the B cell to have what to do and the B cells goes and done this work so if there is no T cell the B cell have no ability to work done against any antigen.

    Health came with regular exercise. I am going to show you the significance of exercise.

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Avatar for aftabalirazi
2 years ago
Topics: Health
