How God moved Me?

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Written by
3 years ago

I am a 18 year old christian by then who always attend to church services,always go soul winning,always have time and prioritized Church and what I think God wants me to do.I feel so blessed by those times im so inlove with serving God until I fell inlove with a non christian man.

He is from another religion so we go to separate church until he decided to come with me in our church for some time.But we know us christians,we cry when we sing and pray.So he is not comfortable with that so he stopped coming.he is a very sweet,thoughtful,Godfearing,faithful,responsible and everything you could ask for a man.And because I have a very hard life with my father.I decided to come with him.We live together just for me to escape my father's bad treatment on me.As a christian that's a BIG no no because we didn't get married.So that day was the beginning of my out of christian church living.I must admit that I get used to it.

God still provide all my needs and he still gave and answer my prayers but sadly,I didn't realized that hes been waiting for me to come back.I kept living that way because I had a good life and have everything.My partner went abroad so life becomes better.Until my partner came back home.He had time to mingle with friends and met new ones because he started working here in PH.

We have 2 sons by that time.Then we planned to have another child coz we are wanting a baby girl.The next baby was a boy again.Ive noticed something changes on him.He smells like cigarette so I try catching him smoking and I did!one rainy morning,I heard a sound which is familliar to me.Its a sound of foil being cut.So I slowly walk towards him and caught him having a drug session.That day I dont know what to do.He said sorry and promised to never do that again.But day by day he became worst.He even prepared a pear or sibat in our local language.He put that inside our bedroom and my life became hell.

I started blaming God because he let me go out of his shadow.I started fighting alone.I tried every single way to make my life better again.But it gets harder for me.I tried separtating from him but he always refuse.even job had been so hard for me to find.One day I felt really tired and I cry on the roadside like crazy.But that was the time I screemed,begging God to stop my trials,stop all those evil things happening to me and I TOLD HIM,LORD I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE.LORD I SURRENDER ALL TO YOU.LORD,I ADMIT THAT WITHOUT YOU IM NOTHING.WITHOUT YOU IM NO ONE.PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND IM GIVING IT ALL UP TO YOU.

After that day,its like magic.God started to rearranged my life.The father of my children set me free.I started to have a good job.My kids become happy again and felt relieved from all those pain and emotional stress everyday.God just wanted me to surrender everything to him alone.he gave me all those trials to know him more,to need him more and so I can share to everyone his faithfullness and mercy.The way he moved me is indeed like a tsunami that really shaken and awakened me.

Good news is,I go back to church and start serving God again by taking some children to church and feeding them too.GOD IS SO GREAT!

Here now is a photo Gods greatest blessings to me.......taken after their father left us.the eldest in red pants is now 18,taller than me.tbe secont who's behind was16,also taller than me now.third was now 10 and my only girl now turning 7.



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Avatar for ace26
Written by
3 years ago


Amen! GOD IS SO GREAT! You are strong Sis, and it's good that you are now living a great life again with HIM. Stay on HIS will and everything will be alright.

Sending hugs!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm sorry that your family had to go through that. I'm glad however that you have come through. I admire your faith. May your family be continually blessed. Keep the faith for God is good all the time.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes,faith is the only weapon i have to get through it all.

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3 years ago