Take me back

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Avatar for abrilata
1 month ago

There were days I felt like I wanted to turn back time.

And go back to when everything in life was so simple.

I just want to briefly sneak into the past.

Not to change my future, or anything that has already happened


But to just feel those moments that I unconsciously ignore.

Those little moments that appeared in front of me

But it has gone by because I was looking the other way.

I want to cherish those moments.

Those genuine smiles and love that I didn’t know were present

Because I was aiming for love, that surely fits what I really wanted.


I want to take a look again at those moments.

And I appreciate all the people around me who showed me true kindness.

Friends that stayed, parents that showed the greatest care and love

A loved one who waited years just to spend life with me.


I want to go back once again.

and feel things slowly.

Do things slowly.

Appreciate things slowly.

And be grateful.

And be thankful.

And be kind.









genuine kindness

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Avatar for abrilata
1 month ago


Same feeling. There were times I am like that. All I can do is to say " How I wish I could turn back time"

$ 0.00
1 month ago

now that the world seems to complicated, all we wanted to do is turn back time and do everything to appreciate those little moments.

$ 0.00
1 month ago


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1 month ago