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1 year ago

This is for the Silent Escape -

for hearts to go beyond their shelters,

for the dreams and desires of a hopeful soul

trapped inside a growing vessel.

This for the missing piece

that you haven't found yet

but don't mind searching,

even if it takes you a hundred miles

and a thousand years.

This is for the tears

that have dried up inside your pillow,

for the blankets that temporarily warm your skin

on the coldest nights with frozen bones.

It's for the pain and scars

that grow with you for ages,

yet you never show the world

how injured you are.

This is for your strength,

for feeling exhausted

but still standing up

to resume your journey.

This is for your mind

that swirls with the thought of giving up,

but you're scared of even trying it.

This is for receiving

the painful treatment of life,

yet you never complain.

This is for you

who's always reminding everyone

that you have their back,

even though you know

no one has yours.

This is for you who have been so alone

but never left your heart in shivers.

This is for taking care of yourself,

for making your heart so beautiful

that it emits light that stays even eyes closed.

This is your time,

and this is for your healing.

I am rooting for you , whoever you are, I know God has a plan for you

You might not find your purpose right now the way other people already found theirs but I know there will be a perfect time for everything.

You are worth it. You are loved.

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1 year ago
