Time management is very important

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3 years ago

Time with your self

Confidence comes naturally with success but success comes only to those who are confident so begin your days with great confidence.

Time is A Great Teacher

For everything you have missed you have gained something else and for everything you gain you lose something else.

Have Patience With Time

Limitation live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations our possibilities become limitless.

Time Brings Revolution

Imagination is more important than knowledge for knowledge is limited where as imagination embraces the entire world stimulating progress giving birth to evolution.

Time is A Companion

Don't let someone become a priority in your life when you are just an option in their life.

Time is A Fantastic Healer

Keeping hopes may not improve your future but it will certainly reduce the pain of today.

Make The Most Of Each Day

If you wait to do everything until you are sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything.

Time Gudies Our plane

Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive and go do it because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Time is Great Reminder

A winner is someone who sets his goals, commits himself to those goals and then pursues his goals with all ability he has.

Time Explains it's Value

Nobody can go start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

Time is precious. On earth there is nothing great but man in man there nothing great but mind.

Time Management is Very Important

One of the secrets of the life is to keep our intellectual curiosity acute.

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3 years ago


What a nice article it is! Thank you so much for your sharing.

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Great Artical

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