Hey everyone...
It's @abanik111 once again here a new artcile published for everyone...
Today i goona share a new artcile this artcile topic is real truths in life. There are many real truths in life that we cannot comprehand. Life teaches us a lot on the way. These lessons are very important to us.
I write to something from my own experience if there any mistake, everyone will forgive me.🙏🙏
So let's start :
Life is so fleeting that sometimes everything seems so beautiful. People cry to much for love because they can't love for long.
If you can make someone laugh they will belive you. He will start liking to you. He who lives deep in his heart does not have to say eveything. He understood to little word.
The human heart is like a mirror. If the light of love shins in the mirror,it will be came back.it is not possible explain the beauty of any Beauty on peper. You have to stand face to face with beauty.
All people have a strange ability to a happy. The happiest in the world is the one who knows nothing.life becomes complicated when you understand the intricacies of the world.
When people all hobbies are gone, the motivations to survive lost your life. The happiness person is the world is the one who sleep happily. Even the smallest thing can overwhelm a person.
Nothing too beautiful lasts too long. Even very good people do not live long.they enter the world with short life.
No more today..
Have good day.
Stay at home..
Be safe...
If you like my artcile please everyone 👇👇
You are nice person.