A village market

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4 years ago

A village market plays an important role in the life of the villagers.it generally sits in morning.it is situated in the centarl place where men can easily come buy and sell.people buy frish milk meat rice vegetables and many other nessary thinks of daily life.

The shops arranged in rows.the milk sellers sit in a linein one part of the market.the firsherman sit another part .it is called fish market.

Others shopkeeper sit in teir small sheds for selling colths.there are two kinds of village markets.

The dailly markets sits in the morning and the other kind of markets sits in the afternoon.

A village market is a crowed of village people.its a metting place of differnt classes of village people.so it is full of higgling and noise.

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In fact, we who live in rural villages, markets do not buy a lot of things are essential here than in the city, thank you so much more are available

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4 years ago

Village market is a very important part in our village life.Everyone in the village buys all their necessities from here. Anyway thanks a lot to the author and go ahead.

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4 years ago

This is one of the most important place for any village. Every village person buy their necessary things from this village market. Nice article. All the best!!!

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4 years ago

A village market plays an imoortant role in villager's life... Village peoples market from there... They can buy all the necessary goods from the market...

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User's avatar Apu
4 years ago

Village market is really important for the village people.they can buy and sell their necessary things in market.

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4 years ago

Nice Article. Village market is on of the most important place for villager. I hope you will write more article and give more information.

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4 years ago

I like the village markets very much.In the people of the village go out the market.There are fish..vegetable..shops in the market.It is really nice to see such a scene in the village market.

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

A village market is a very important place in our village life. Everyday many people from to to this market..

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4 years ago

The village market is very crowded. Many people come here from far and wide to shop. In a word, everything you need is available in the village market

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4 years ago

Your article topic is wonderfull . I like it . Village market is very important for villagers. They are marketing every neseccary things from this market.

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4 years ago

Village market is one of the maot important market palce. It ia a source of income for vilage people as well as for buyers out there

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4 years ago

Thanks you brother reply ny artical.its important also for village.stay at home take care

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4 years ago

Village market a bazar korta onek valo laga bolte paren ghura ghura hat ar moddha bazar kora onk vlo laga ,, shocaracor kom e hat bazar dakhi amra shohora tai notun kicu dakhta valoi laga Please amr account subscribe korun ar like comments dia pasha thakun inshallah apnio paben

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4 years ago

A village market is divided into three sections-open space, temporary sheds and permanent sheds. In the open space vegetables, rice, fish, milk, fruits, betel-nuts and other perishable goods are sold. In the temporary sheds, the grocers sit to sell various kinds of things such as oil, salt, pepper, cloves, spices and other stationery goods. In the permanent sheds clothes, wheat, pulse, flour, sugar, fried rice, guar, ghee, stationery commodities, medicine etc. are kept ready for sale. Of all the sheds, the fish shed remains overcrowded. It is noisy. Goats and Cattle are also sold in the village market

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4 years ago

The village market is well known to those of us who live in the village. Because we shop from the rural market every day All the raw materials are fresh in the village market

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4 years ago

Your article is very helpful..I know I live village..my village market is very popular for food and vegetables..your article is very nice thanks your article...

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4 years ago

A village market is very important for people. because it is a source of income of village people

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4 years ago

Village market is a very good place. Everyone markets from there. I like to go to village market. It's fun to go together.

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4 years ago

A village market is a very popular place for our village life. A village market it is very necessary for the people of village. Good writing. keep writing this.

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4 years ago