In understanding the idea of management, I learned about having a formally organised and clarity plan for your goal in order for you to reach it. As the saying goes by the management theory jungle of Harold Knoots, "The art of getting things done through and with people in formally organised group." it means creating an environment where in the group of people will have a cooperation in achieving the certain goal.
There are basic resources of management, the man power, money, machines, materials, methods and market. But there is this one thing you need to have by starting a business, the money. You can't have a manpower, machines and everything in resources when you don't have money to start. Even a little investment can make a bigger version of your dream business.
In functioning the business, you must know how to plan, organise, direct or lead, control, communicate, and having the best decisions you utter or do so. With all these, you can have your goal truer and better than whan you thought could be.
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Sep. 2020
Great article, nice start up, keep it up. Keep posting❤️