10 professional life hacks

Never breakup over phone or text.

Never ask someone about their Salary. This is none of our business. When eating at a friend's house who is a bachelor , wash the plate in which you have eaten.

Never borrow money from someone with whom you want to maintain good relation. Don't force someone to like you. Everyone has their own choice. Never swipe right or left when someone shows you a photo on their phone.

When you are in a hotel , never treat the waiters like they owe you money, show them some respect. Dont call them ‘ oye’ , ‘ayy’ ‘ chhu’

Hold the door when someone walks along with you. Say thank you to others for little things. It will boost your image. During a conversation, look people into their eyes and maintain good posture.

Bonus hacks

Always carry hanky with you, dont wipe your nose on your shoulders ! Don't shout when you are talking to a customer care executive, they are also humans. Never ask someone if they are virgin or not, unless they speak about it.

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@aamir336 posted 3 years ago
