Our Rights as Workers

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4 years ago

Workers' rights are human rights. Workers are the driving force of society: they maintain public services, build infrastructure, and produce food and medicine for us. We are entitled to decent working conditions and a safe and healthy workplace. In order to protect these rights, workers must have the right to speak freely, assemble, form trade unions and collective bargaining.

Workers' rights are a global issue. In every economic sector in the world, the health and life of millions of workers exposed to hazardous materials, and the health and life of their families and communities are in great danger. Chemicals used in the electronics industry that have not undergone proper risk assessments, and construction and mining departments have failed to provide appropriate equipment to allow workers to inhale toxic dust: For these reasons and similar situations, a wide range of occupational diseases have occurred, with one worker killed every 30 seconds.

Women, children, migrant and disabled workers, and workers working in informal and high-risk sectors are particularly vulnerable. At the same time, as countries and powerful companies increasingly outsource their dangerous and dirty work to southern countries, worker rights and corporate obligations are gradually lost in opaque transnational supply chains.Workers' rights are human rights. Workers are the driving force of society: they maintain public services, build infrastructure, and produce food and medicine for us. They are entitled to decent working conditions and a safe and healthy workplace. In order to protect these rights, workers must have the right to speak freely, assemble, form trade unions and collective bargaining.

With this, control can be implemented.

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