Check Out These Tips For You And Your Sexual Partners To Prevent STIs

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1 year ago
Topics: Health

Knowing your STD status is crucial to reducing the spread of STDs. You can take actions to safeguard yourself and your partners if you are aware that you are infected.

Request STD testing from your healthcare practitioner; this is the only way to assure that you are getting the right tests. Don't forget to advise your spouse that he or she should get STD testing as well.

Many STDs are easy to detect and treat. To avoid re-infection, if you or your spouse are infected, you must both take treatment at the same time. Some STI preventive strategies are listed below that will be helpful in guiding one to staying safe.

Abstinence: The most efficient strategy to avoid infection, according to the CDC, is to avoid having s£x (i.e., anal, vaginal, or oral).

Vaccination: Hepatitis B and HPV vaccines are a safe, efficient, and commonly recommended way of prevention. If not already vaccinated, HPV vaccination is advised for preteens aged 11 or 12 (or can begin at age 9) and for everyone up to the age of 26.

Anyone over the age of 26 is not advised to get vaccinated. Some adults aged 27 to 45 who have not yet been vaccinated may elect to obtain the HPV vaccine after speaking with their doctor about their risk of new HPV infections and the potential advantages of vaccination.

Because more people have already been exposed to HPV, HPV vaccination is less effective in this age range. If you were not immunized as a youngster, you should get vaccinated against hepatitis B.

Limit Number Of Sexual Partners You Have: Reduce the amount of sex partners you have to lower your STD risk. You and your partner should still get tested and disclose your results.

Monogamy Between Partners: Mutual monogamy is defined as an agreement to have sexual intercourse with only one person who has agreed to have sexual relations with only you. Being in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected spouse is one of the most dependable strategies to avoid STDs.

You must, however, ensure that you are both free of STDs. Having an open and honest conversation with your partner is crucial.

Make Use Of Safeguards: When used appropriately and consistently, the male protective is incredibly successful in decreasing STD transmission. Always wear a protection when having anal, vaginal, or oral s£x.

It's worth noting that some condoms are more prone to breaking than others. Natural membrane protectors aren't recommended for STD prevention.

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1 year ago
Topics: Health
