Struggling Santa

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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)
Topics: Fiction

It was carnival season and we dressed up in costumes. I was dressing up as Santa Claus when I saw three nerdy guys also dressing up as Santas but their costumes were comically huge for them, they almost looked like an inflatable carnival effigy of Santa Claus.

We were in a bus taking us to a different city. I had forgotten my Swiss army knife in a small building days ago but I was very happy that nobody had stolen it, so I was going there. There were two ball chains attached to the knife, one thicker than the other. They let me take my knife and I thanked them.


Near that small building was my university. It was my first day in the university although the building did not look familiar and the whole event looked like the welcome day in Hogwarts.

I was looking through someone else's eyes, probably through a classmate's that had the same name as me. I was sitting in a group of people that were mocking me (a little bit, but I didn't take it seriously because I didn't want to make a scene). They were coming up with nicknames for different people, including me but I tried to nudge them towards making a nickname for the real me (and not the one whose eyes I was looking through) in order to see what they think of the real me. Unfortunately, I became more lucid and this caused me somehow to be unable to hear what they were saying either because it would be "unfair", or because it did not make sense to be able to hear that and this world was suddenly trying to become more logical.

I had the power to telekinetically lift and throw objects but I could not really control it properly.

It was raining and I wanted to run away but, first, I wanted to return some pens back to a guy. I lifted them in the air to send them to him and managed to do so for the pens but the caps of the pens were not so lucky. I accidentally sent them flying very fast at a wall and they disappeared. "Hey, where the hell did you throw them?" they told me. I tried to think where they could have disappeared to and I concluded that they went inside the wall, either because they glitched due to their great speed (as if in a video game) or because the wall had a balcony and some other stuff drawn on it, so the caps went into the drawing.

I was looking at a wall that had some balcony balusters drawn on it. The drawn baluster had snow on it. I thought the pen cap might be somewhere behind the wall. I pressed my fingers on the baluster to heat it up and cause the snow to melt, so that I can see the drawn background behind it. The snow melted off very unnaturally: it was simply fading out around the area that I was touching, and once I removed my hand it would again slowly fade in. Behind the snow I could see a drawn kindergarten and I kept heating up different parts of the snow to look for the cap in the drawing behind it, sort of like playing "Where is Waldo" but with snow hidding the drawing and looking for a pen cap.

In the end I found the pens and caps and I was trying to give them to a duckling that was taking refuge from the rain under a tree. I was trying to convince the duckling to take the pens to the guy that owned them but it was complaining that it was raining and refused. I then picked up the duckling, because it also belonged to the same guy and I threw it inside a pool that was near the walls with the drawings. There were also many students and tables around the pool, attending some event or party.

The place looked like an open space under a bus station near my university that had an overhead ceiling but only one wall to support it. But in general it did not remind me of any place I knew.

There was also a student that had a weird multimeter with 3 probes which was used a bit differently: You would connect it to a voltage or current source and then you would turn it off and disconnect the prongs and it would still show the measurement for a little while. He was inserting the prongs of the probes inside the soft skin between my upper gums and my lips (on the top front side of my mouth) because I wanted to measure something about my telekinetic power. But when we removed the probes I started bleeding in my mouth and I could taste it.

Later, when everyone had left the area, I was listening to a small portable radio while spitting blood on a handkerchief and there was a medium who said that "if you tell me something stupid, I may speak harshly to you". The medium had a radio show that was famous for insulting the listeners that called in. There was an advertisement for the mediums show which contained a clip from a past broadcast where the medium was telling someone "No! It's not a good idea to have a kid! Because..." and then started psychoanalyzing the listener that had called in. While the medium was doing that I walked above a trashcan to spit the blood from my mouth which was getting pretty bad, but I actually spit which caused me to escape from this world.

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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)
Topics: Fiction


Nice information dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

lol yet another crazy turn of events XD but dream logic is always awesome

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good information

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Brilliant article

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3 years ago