I met with @nurain(the bch Nigeria lead) yesterday afternoon while he was working on some BitcoinCash tutorial videos, which lead us to discussing about the current BitcoinCash Nigeria flipstarter. As of then, the flipstarter contribution was 38% and only 9 days left so far. So i started to ask so many questions like what if you don't get funded or there are no more additional contributors and so on... But to my surprise, he smiled and said " the BitcoinCash community are very supportive and yeah they'll definitely fund this project for us to spread BitcoinCash in Nigeria." What really amazed me was how he feels very optimistic about the BitcoinCash project. I really hope the flipstarter get funded in the next few days to come because I know they will do amazing stuffs :)

Check out the flipstarter below: https://bch.com.ng/

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@Zahra_Idi posted 3 years ago
