Addiction: Gamer

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Avatar for ZHANAIA
3 years ago
Topics: Experiences, Story, Life

Have you ever experienced being hooked on a something? Like you can't sleep just thinking of it? That anytime you want it and want it without thinking that you have something important need to be done. That almost all your time was wasted because of it.

My hubby is a gamer. His day won't be complete if he can't play. During his high school days, he was a working student in a computer shop. During days he went to school amd during night til dawn he's at the shop. Yes, he can manage his studies despite having not enough sleep. He needs to because his parents can't afford to send him at school. It was the start where his ADDICTION on games started. It was okay to him to play DOTA even he didn't yet have meal. It's okay to him to just play not minding that it might ruin his eyesight. As long as his enjoying together with his playmates for him all is well.

When he finished his high school, he stopped working to the shop and went to college. When he was a freshman in college, all his vacant time he is in the computer shop and playing. DOTA is his fave game. Though his playing games he see to it that he will not forget about his studies. He will went at his boarding house about 11 to 12 midnight from the computer shop after his class. And he will just eat his dinner when he arrived.

When he was a second year college students, we met as board mates. I was a freshmen that time. Our boardinghouse is big, boy and girls boarding house, but with different room of course. Boys and girls will just use same kitchen and dining room but different room to sleep. The boys at the right wing while girls are at the left wing of the house. I got the chance to know our board mates except him because he was playing that time. We don't have the time to introduce our selves since he always go to school early and then he went at boarding house so late. So, it took almost a month before we knew each other. We both learned that we were in the same organization and we were the same with major.

Since then we got along too well. We both go to meetings of our organization together. I also noticed that he's not always playing DOTA instead he's borrowing my tablet which has many games installed. Until then, we became friends. One day, our head official of our organization announced the rules and we only have ONE rule. And that is "No relationship between the members of the organization." , if we don't follow both will be kicked out of the organization. I don't know but I looked at him and to my surprise he's also looking at me. I just smiled at him and he did too.

Since then , our friendship got stronger we always eat together at the boardinghouse which gain us some tease from our board mates especially from gays our ATE's. They said that we might end uP in a relationship, and we just both laugh. But to my surprise he court me and ask if can I be his girlfriend. I said yes, with the reason that I want to forget my feelings to my best friend. I got a little bit of guilt and shame but I said to myself that it goods that way. If ever this relationship will not be good to both of us then we'll call it quits. We didn't mind the rule of our organization but we hide our relationship. My guilt fades away when I felt I'm also falling for him until my feelings for my best friend's gone.

In the whole duration of our relationship he still playing but in a mobile phone not at the computer shop. Thankfully, he's not like before so hooked to that game but then he's hooked to other games called COC. He's playing together with our board mates. At first it was okay since he is always at our boardinghouse and not going somewhere far but I noticed them playing out of time. So I confronted him that if he'll not minimize his time playing COC I will break up with him. After that he minimize his playing and he always listen to my words because he knows it will make him sick and that I'll get mad.

We plot time for his time playing games and for his studies. I also made a rule that if ever we both got low average grade we will break up. So, we did everything not to have low grades. Yes, he still playing games but he didn't forgot that he is also a student. Until he graduate in college. So proud of him that he made it. The next year I also graduate and we both happy because we made it. Step 1 down for our dream in life. We also both take down the Step 2, he passes the board exam last 2018 and me last 2019. During that time, he still playing games in his phone. There was a time that I broke his phone because I found him playing while the phone was charging on the socket. It made me mad thinking what if it explode. It was one of our big fight cause I found out that his playing games and that he don't have enough sleep. That was the first time he saw me so mad. He ask forgiveness and that he will not do it again. I give him the chance to show how truthful his words was. And I'm thankful he didn't disappoint me.

Now that we're married and have a son, he still playing but not like before. He knew already how to manage his time in his work and when to play when he has a time. He prioritized us his family now and not his game before. But to tell you, he still have games in his phone and he installed DOTA to our computer in our home. I just let him, but I am the one will to decide when is the time he will paly and I'll give him a time limit. I just do it because I also want him to enjoy and not just make him work and work. I give him time to play as his relaxation.

This is my first composition here in I hope its okay for you readers.

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Avatar for ZHANAIA
3 years ago
Topics: Experiences, Story, Life


I felt like I am reading a Korean drama synopsis. I am glad this story has a good plot to it. It is rare for a man to listen to his wife. You are lucky but then he should know that it is for his own good.

As for moderating in the freewriting community, I do not see which prompt are you using. Did you read the rules? I prefer to say it as our requirements instead of rules.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ahm thank you. Sorry, I forgot about the timer. I just typed my article in my notepad and copied it here. Sorry...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is alright. I just want to let you know. You can still edit it but do not change the content. let us know which prompt you used also.

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3 years ago