Jim Rohn once observed that, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

One of the biggest influence in who we become and what we get in life is our environment. The mindset, knowledge, wisdom, and philosophies that impact our actions are mainly influenced by the people around us and most of the time, we are unconscious.

So here are 3 QUESTIONS you may ask yourself in order to assess your environment:

Ask yourself these three key questions:

1) "Who am I around?" You've got to evaluate everybody who is able to influence you in any way.

2) "What are these associations doing to me?" That's a major question to ask. What have they got you doing, listening to, reading, thinking and feeling? You've got to make a serious study of how others are influencing you, both negatively and positively.

3) "Is that okay?" Maybe everyone you associate with has been a positive, energizing influence. Then again, maybe there are some bad apples in the bunch. All I'm suggesting here is that you take a close and objective look.

The people around you and the books you read ultimatey determine your next 5 years. Make sure you associate on purpose! Surround yourself with the dreamers, doers, and those who want more out of life!


Praying that with this pandemic, things don’t just go back to normal, but BETTER!!! 😇

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@Yrral posted 3 years ago
