Sometimes, I just wish I could reverse the time back to around 2016/early 2017 when Bitcoin was less than $1000 . I just keep wondering now why at that time I never think of the future. Well maybe I wasn’t ready to wait a long time to make this money or maybe because I wasn’t enlightened then (and I know many made this same mistake).
As its known, when Bitcoin was released, there were apps that helps you to mine on your smart phones using your device CPU (but I really don’t know if there’s any left now and if there is, please share) with no hassle as long your device can handle it. I once had one of this apps (can’t remember the name now though) but because it slows down my device I went ahead deleting it even after having Bitcoins worth around $500 unknown to me that when this app is running, the device should be left alone to do its thing (imagine what the value of $500 Bitcoin then will worth now). I think the man who sold his APPLE shares for $800 wasn’t the only person who made a terrible mistake by not been able to see the future.
Well the past can’t be changed but we can learn from it. So I’ve learnt my lesson to always look into the future rather than looking for short term investment. There are various altcoins right now who has a promising future but is yet to be known or acknowledged by the masses. If there’ any means you know that we may be able to tap into this so as to prepare for the future, please we’ll like to know about it.
Well... just learn from the past. You know have seen and experienced the power of the crypto world. There will probably be other "Bitcoins". Perhaps not. But you now know that long term is what ends up making the difference rather than short term hodling or trading.