The Myriad Benefits of Smoking
The habit of smoking every year causes the death of more than 5.4 million people according to WHO. Smoking is considered to be the cause of diseases that can lead to death for both active and passive smokers (inhalers of cigarette smoke from active smokekrs) such as lung, colon, oral cancer, and vocal cord cancer.
In addition, heart health problems, stroke, wrinkled skin, pregnancy and fetal disorders, to erectile dysfunction and many more are serious threats that are ignored.
Behind it all, it turns out that smoking also has a myriad of benefits, including :
-Reduce population density.
50 percent of smokers die, because of diseases caused by smoking. During this year, 8 million people died from diseases caused by smoking. Meanwhile, 1.2 million people died due to passive smoking.
-Open job opportunities.
Smoking provides benefits for people in the field of beauty, salon, teeth whitening. Oxidation of cigarette smoke makes skin wrinkled, eyes become glazed, skin loose, lips yellow to blackish. People who work in that field will benefit from smokers, a lot of sustenance. Smokers will try to keep looking beautiful, handsome, smooth, shiny, in any way.
-Support family planning program.
Can help with family planning programs because men who smoke will usually experience impotence, so it is difficult to have children. This helps the government to reduce overcrowding.
-Maintaining environmental safety.
Smokers will suffer from COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease so he will cough and continue to have shortness of breath. Because it is difficult to sleep and keep awake, thieves will think again to act, he said.
The benefits above are not positive benefits obtained from smoking. dr. Vito also gave a striking message for those of you who are still addicted to cigarettes.
Now it's serious, we just did the ring installation on a person who is a heavy smoker, he had a heart attack. So how long, how many times have you seen someone have a heart attack? Maybe for smokers who haven't seen it immediately think it's a lie. "I tell heavy smokers, I've seen too many people have heart attacks or even die from smoking," he said.
Through a satire video that he made for smokers, he hopes that there are good things to be gained other than just telling cigarettes that cigarettes are a disease.
If you (smokers) still see that the benefits mentioned above are indeed a benefit, I don't know what else to say. Have you noticed whether there really are benefits to smoking? Ask your family what are the real benefits of smoking? Is there no use? Happy Anti-Tobacco Day, concluded.