Hope in God
Slow time flowing
Playing the world with skits
Like your love
Who only plays with my love
Is this the love you give
So that I know how much sorrow hurts
Is this the promise you made
So that I know how much it hurts to be betrayed?
Is this the meaning of happiness
Which then becomes the abyss of suffering
Is this the dream you want to show
Parting and suffering?
Oh God,
This love has made me patient
But patience is a step to make pain happen
This love has made me understand
But this understanding liberates his infidelity
This love has made me believe so much
I can't even hold on to jealousy
I'm sick oh my God
Put me to sleep
Until the pain is gone from the soul
Evaporate with time
Make me lose my memory
So that no memories remain
I'm so tired
Asking for your mercy with a sore heart