Distraction as Suffering

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1 year ago

2022 is already half way. Actually, it's just a number. It doesn't really have any meaning. However, because of the global nature of human behavior over thousands of years, it has a meaningful fixed pattern.

The previous years were not easy. The pandemic threatens the lives and mental health of many people. The economic crisis is driving billions of people into poverty. What's worse, anxiety about an uncertai n future continues to haunt the world.

This, of course, cannot be tolerated. New year, we need a new way of thinking. We can not continue to drift in anxiety and suffering for a long time. We need to get out of hell.

Hell is a state of mind. It is not a place. It doesn't just exist, after we die. This moment and here, we are in hell, if our mind is tormented.

It is clear, that evil emotions are hell. If we hate, then we are in hell. If we hold grudges, then we are in hell. However, there is one hell that is so subtle that we ignore it.

The subtle hell as a distraction. It's subtle, but it can happen at any time. The distracted mind is hell itself. Emotions can be small, but distractions will lead people straight to hell.

Distraction makes people not aware, what he is doing. He was breathing, but he didn't realize that he was breathing. People walk, but their minds wander. He didn't realize he was walking. Distraction keeps the body in one place, but the mind flies away to another.

Distraction brings illusion. The past that has long passed seems to be happening again. The things that hurt him are felt in the present. Another illusion related to the future that has not yet happened. Distraction presents an overwhelming sense of anxiety about what hasn't, or won't, happen.

Due to distraction, we miss the moment. We miss the beautiful moments in the present. In fact, this time is unique. It is not repeated, and will pass by, if not noticed.

As a result, emotions swing sharply. Regret and anxiety come and go. Life becomes empty and meaningless. If this happened, we would already be in hell.

In the long term, suffering can create various diseases. The body will be damaged, because the function of organs that do not work well. The immune system decreases, so that regular infections occur. Sanity can also collapse before our eyes, if suffering is allowed to reign.

Why does distraction occur? This happens, because we are stupid. We don't understand what the meaning of life is. We think that life is in the future that needs to be planned, or in the past that we continue to mourn.

However, life is simple. It happens here and now, always. Distractions disappear, when we live in the here and now mindfully. This is very easy, but also very difficult, especially for modern humans who are so used to planning far ahead.

Of course, we do not want to continue to wallow in suffering. We want to get out of hell. It is time, we learn to understand the truth that is always in front of our eyes here and now. Don't delay anymore.

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Written by
1 year ago
