Breaking Boundaries

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1 year ago

Born from the womb of a mother is the beginning of the struggle to live in the world. Not without supplies. Or no capital. Through mother, God has entrusted three provisions that become the capital that determines our lives.

What are you? Can you name it?

Physical, reason, and faith. That's right!

These three potentials if developed and optimized will give a blast in life. All that can be done when we are able to penetrate the boundaries of all the challenges we face.

How to?

First, define a goal.

A person's success can be measured by the planned goals. As a Muslim, the highest goal of course is to reach the pleasure of Allah. For students, studying is not just chasing an A. Graduated with perfect UN scores.

But how the knowledge gained can make yourself better. Respect and courtesy to parents. Especially the teachers who have educated us.

Second, make a change yourself.

We can't break the boundaries of ourselves by just relying on our chin. Waiting for a miracle. While dreaming.

When the destination has been determined, hurry. Make changes to yourself. Be physically healthy. Smart brain. Strengthen faith. Make your new zone.

Third, start small.

Big changes always start small. For example, throwing garbage in its place, not smoking in public places, learning to queue, smiling when meeting other people, tidying shoes on the shoe rack, saying kind words to parents, and removing thorns from the street.

There are still many small actions that can be done to break the boundaries of changing the world.

Fourth, starting right now.

The attitude of delaying the beginning of failure. So hurry up and get up. Execute the plans that have been drawn up. Do it smartly.

Fifth, tawakkal.

When ideas, plans, and endeavors have been carried out to the maximum, tawakkal becomes the final point to break through boundaries. Submission to Allah will be able to make oneself humble when success is in hand. Or being sincere and patient when plans don't match expectations.

You dare?

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$ 2.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
1 year ago
