A Hope for A Better Tomorrow: Our System is Rotten!

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3 years ago

In continuation of the previous article “A Hope for A Better Tomorrow: Do We Have a Rotten System?”. In this article real problems that challenge the ideals that humanity is longing for “A Better Tomorrow” will be further discussed. 

This is still an article written inspired by @CryptoMax in his article “The System is Rotten: Do Something About It!”.

 The Real Problems of Today - What Should be in the Future?

Like the vision of the bitcoin cash ecosystem or the crypto world for that matter, that aims for mass adoption of a decentralized financial system, in order to help eradicate poverty in 25 years by sparking an economic miracle - a reality in the digital world among the developing and advanced countries. I think this is one of the doable solutions we can look forward to in the future. What else? We’ll go back first in recognizing the real problems of today to have a clearer scope of what should be in the future.

Injustice. Image by kmicican from Pixabay

The Real Problems of Today: Injustice
What should be in the Future: Everyone will be treated fairly. This is because racial, social, and economic injustice will be uprooted forever.

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals include reducing inequality and ensuring that no one is left behind.

Inequality within and between countries has long been a source of concern. Despite some encouraging signals toward reducing inequalities in some areas, such as decreasing relative income inequality in some countries and providing lower-income countries with preferential trade rights, inequality continues.

One article says “inequality is injustice”. Some might argue that we can’t be the same or equal of the same in all aspects of living across all sectors of society. Inequalities are also widening among vulnerable groups in countries with weakened health services and those that are now dealing with humanitarian crises. Migrants, as well as indigenous peoples, the elderly, people with disabilities, and youth, are all especially vulnerable. Hate rhetoric directed at vulnerable people is also on the rise. There were these radical groups that their activities were tagged as that of extremism and exploited the vulnerable.

Mentioning injustices, what types of forms that you are aware of? One is the mentioned above injustice - the inequalities. Some of the terms below are encompassing and or overlapping, or related with each other, do you have it in your mind? Let’s shoot some terms and perhaps this will be a good topic for a new article. What about historical injustice, social injustice, political injustice. Whatever forms of injustice are still detrimental to the ideal system in the future of humanity.

Malnutrition and Hunger. Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The Real Problems of Today: Malnutrition and Hunger
What should be in the Future: No one will go to bed hungry or suffer from malnutrition. Everyone will have access to an abundance of healthy food.

This topic is sensitive to me. I once lived in hunger and malnutrition for 3 years. That was when our family structure was broken. My mother left us and my father was stricken by emotional stress. This circumstance leaves us (me and my siblings) in despair and in need of food, clean water, and a family that takes care of us but nothing to avail. My point is anybody like me somewhere out there is in need of basic needs right now such as nutritional food and access to clean water. As reported by the UN, people who are hungry or who live in poverty-stricken countries are at the highest risk of hunger and malnutrition around the world. War or armed conflicts within a country, and natural disasters including droughts and earthquakes, which interrupt regular food production and distribution in developing countries, can also lead to hunger and malnutrition.
As part of the Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations has set a global goal to "stop poverty by 2030." We are currently a long way from achieving this goal. What do you think? Is this achievable, where there’s no country and no resident would say “I’m hungry or I’m sick because I don’t have any to eat”?

Can these human efforts be enough to address the problem of injustice, malnutrition, and hunger? What are other solutions that might be contributory to the solution of this? Is Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem and mass adoption can contribute to the solution of this? 

In my next article, the same enumeration of other fundamental problems will be continued. 

Let me know your thoughts so that it can help me to build better and engaging content. 

 I’m truly thankful and appreciative of these great people here for encouraging me to write more, @BitcoinCashHub, @CrytoMax, @MizLhaine, @jiroshin, @kaya, @meitanteikudo, @InspiredAdvocate, @wrabbiter. Your gesture of encouragement is one of the reasons a newbie like me is inspired more to write articles here in 'read'.

Thank you,

My other articles, in case you're interested. Warning though, you may find my article AWFUL, but here's the list:

- Hope for A Better Tomorrow: Do We Have a Rotten System?

- World Malaria Day 2021: Reaching the zero Malaria Target: https://read.cash/@Yndnope/world-malaria-day-2021-reaching-the-zero-malaria-target-c06687cf

- Connecting the Dots: Earth Day and Pandemic: https://read.cash/@Yndnope/connecting-the-dots-earth-day-and-pandemic-32d40a89

- Connecting the Dots: Who Will Save The Earth? Humanity or Someone Else...:https://read.cash/@Yndnope/connecting-the-dots-who-will-save-the-earth-humanity-or-someone-else-ed566556

-Connecting the Dots: Who Will Save Our Planet Earth?


-Online Hunting: Bitcoin Cash Microblogging Services


- Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ecosystem 101: No Point Of Failure


- The Ultimate Reasons of What to Write!


$ 5.00
$ 4.92 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.06 from @meitanteikudo
$ 0.01 from @Kelzy
+ 1
Avatar for Yndnope
3 years ago


The system is really ruined. Government just do things that will benefits them

$ 0.02
3 years ago

That's very true. With all honesty each government really just doing things for their own benefit.

$ 0.00
3 years ago