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Justice is a principle that people want to have which they really deserved. It is pretty good to hear but most of the time, it never happens.
Justice is not free. If you want it ,you have to spend payment for your lawyer or spend for the investigation. It is not fix. Most of the time, it depends on whom are in position. It depends on the government officials themselves. It is the harsh truth that we have and some might be blinded by their false reality or blinded by the money or favors given by those Officials.
War on drugs...
Philippines drug war is the policy or actions towards anti-drug under President Rodrigo Duterte. For me, this campaign is a failure. Thousands of Filipinos have been killed since the launched of "war on drugs". Tokhang and human rights have been trending. Oplan tokhang allows police to raid suspects homes even without warrant. Human rights have been compromised. Thousands of people died without defending themselves properly.
At a news conference, Chief of Philippines National Police Camilo Pancratius P. Cascolan said over 234,000 operations were conducted since July 2016 during which more than 357,000 suspects were arrested and some 8,000 others were killed, a Philippines Information Agency statement said.
SOURCE: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/philippines-some-8-000-killed-in-duterte-s-drug-war-/2033636#:~:text=Some%208%2C000%20people%20have%20been,new%20government%20figures%20released%20Thursday.
There were also list of suspected drug users and sellers. Will you believe if I say that those lists can't be trusted ? I know some of the names in the list were not really into this illegal act. They were included because they go against those people in position. Worst, people who should be in the list were removed because they were protected by their relatives/friends in the government.
Does these officials know what are the effects on the victims? They lost their loved ones, discrimination exists, and causes depression to the victims and their families. Are they happy?
They even conducted seminars for those who belong to the list. Their names will be cleared once they finish the seminars. Even if they were graduated in this seminars, the damage can't be retrieved. The list is already been part of their names and lives.
Election is near. I hope you think multiple times whom to be elected. Vote wisely or else some people may face difficulties again because of those irrational officials.
Closing remarks of article 01...
I didn't plan to write it. I was just saddened whenever I read or hear the agony of the victims. Worst, I can't stand that real addicts were free. They roam around and continue their doings. I hope this can still be resolved. I hope justice is really free because people deserved to be treated fairly whether they were rich or poor.
This is based from what I know, experienced, and read. Thank you for reading. If it hurts you, sorry.
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That takes a lot of debates regarding human rights that has been violated by the administration. But for me, though I'm against killing, however, the world needs to be harsh in order to maintain peace and order. Why? The world is already polluted with evilness.