Colic on infant is usual, but do you heard about colic? Some of us are not familiar to this that why it would be a great help if we discuss the study about this word.
The reason why baby cry often.
The diagnosis is not given easily to the infant that has a condition of colic but there's a lot of sign that you can observed on your own like the infant is crying more often that usual. The cry of a baby lasted for a long time and the case is usually happening in the first three months of the infant. The crying scene of the infant started during the six weeks up to eight weeks of the baby until it is lessen when they are twelve weeks. It is also called the three months colic wherein you can easily noticed the symptoms.
What is the symptoms of colic?
Honestly , no one knows. There's a lot of theory why infant cries oftentimes but no one has proved it yet. Boy or girl , breastfeed or formula feed , everyone is prone on colic but there's a study that shows that a mother who take cigarettes during thier pregnancy has a chance to have a colicky baby but it is not yet proven.
Five reason why infant cry.
Infant can't able to control their emotions yet that why it is only in crying they can express what they feel.
There's an infant who is sensitive or has an allergy on protein that found on milk whether it is breast milk or formula milk.
Excess or lack of food or infant are not burp properly.
Fast flow of milk , it should be slowly so that the infant will not be drown.
Crying of an infant is the only way to them to be able to said that they need something.
Which time does the colic became worst.
Usually the peak time of colic is during night. It is an added challenge to us parents because we are tired on the whole day. The colic is more worst on a baby that has not enough sleep.
What are the things you can do on your colicky infant.
There a quick change when it comes to infant likes. As a parent, we need to understand them and feel them that we love them. If your little one wants a hold then give them.
Things to do with your baby
Give them a lukewarm bath with massage.
Breastfeed them oftentimes.
Make sure that the room is dim when they sleeping
Feed them properly and set an eating routine.
For the formula fed babies, you need to follow the correct measurements because it you failed to do that he/she will have an incomplete nutrients that they need. If it over , it will cause them constipation.
Give a baby a lullaby
I'm clueless about colics but i didn't know there was a term for baby crying so much, this is new to me