A few days ago I have an uncomfortable feeling with my head. It was itchy and I thought it was a dandruff. I though my shampoo was not suit to my hair but upon checking there's no dandruff on my head. A days later I decided to look for a hair harrow in the market because I have a feeling that I have lice and to my surprise, after I harrowed my hair I got 2 lice and 4 baby lice ( kuyumad 😂). I don't know why I have lice in my head. My husband said maybe because of the hot weather or maybe because someone in the household have lice too.
When I was a kid, I also have lice as in many lice. My mother put an oil to my head to removed the lice and baby lice quick. I hate it when my mother let me lay in bed and get the lice from my head. They even try to put a gas on my head to make the lice died. On my high school days the lice in my head disappeared maybe because I didn't play under the sun and I have now the knowledge to take good care of myself.
What are lice or louse?
Lice is the plural of lice. Lice is found in human hair and it is considered as parasite because it feeds human blood on the head. Lice can spread quickly to human heads because female lice can lay up to six eggs within one day. The eggs are laid on the shaft of the hair and it was glued on the hair unto it become louse. The eggs will hatch for about a week and become a nymph and the nymph will grow until it become adult or louse. Adult lice is like a sesame seed in size and have a brown color like human hair so that catching them was hard. Lice can feed on our blood multiple times a day. Every people can experience lice infestation but there are people who have high risk to get a lice on thier head.
A head lice.
A head lice is a parasite meaning they can't survive with a human host. They cannot live on the animal body, only on the huma head. Like what the elders said, lice have wings that's why they can transfer to one another head but it is wrong. Lice don't have wings. They only have legs and claws. Lice can be found anywhere in scalp. Lice like warm temperatures so they come to the warmest part of your scalp.
How lice spread?
Spreading of lice can happen to anyone and in any place but particularly it is happening during school days. Please also take note that poor hygiene is not the cause of head lice. People who are in a crowded place have a high risk of having lice simply because people are close to each other. They are exchanging pillows or having the same bed or even comb or towel. Spreading of lice from one person to another has only tow ways. One is head to head contact and the second one when they sharing things like caps, hat, comb or brushes.
How to treat lice.
Nowadays, there's a lot of treatment for lice. You can buy over the counter products, home remedy and medications. If you want to get rid of lice you need to follow this guidelines. First you need to kill the lice, second is remove the eggs because it's nonsense when you kill the lice but the eggs are still alive. It will hatch again and turned to lice. Third one is washed all the affected areas or clothes of the person who have lice.
Home remedies for lice
There are home remedies that could kill a lice and here's a few of them.
1. Anise oil
It was proven and effective to people who used it because their lice was eliminated after a week of using this oil.
2. Olive oil
Olive oil is also like anise oil. It also suffocate the lice causing to its death.
3. Coconut oil
Coconut oil can treat dry skin and hair. Applied Coconut oil on your head for 4 hours and see the result
4. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties and a home remedy for many skin conditions.
5. Petroleum jelly
Petroleum jelly is similar to anise oil that can suffocate the lice and their eggs.
Preventing lice
There is no product or method who were proven to get rid of lice but there's a method and treatment on how to lessen it. Avoid a head to head contact with a person who have lice and don't share personal hygiene stuffs too.
Having a lice in your head is irrating. You will feel discomfort because of itchiness and because it was itchy you will scratched it and after scratching so many times your skin will be break. If you didn't destroyed that lice properly it will come back again and again so treat eat properly.
For now I will observed my lice in my head 😅 I changed my shampoo and I harrowed my hair everyday. If my lice got worse, I will going to buy an over the counter product to kill these lice
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I remember my mom used to put coconut oil all over my head when i was a kid just to remove the lice but they disappeared when i got into highschool too and I've never had lice again since then